Page 9 of Riding the Waves
“I’m telling you for a fact that she didn’t. She also had the cheek to be sarcastic to me when I pulled her up on it.”
“I don’t think Scarlett even knows how to be sarcastic,” he said wearily. “Look, I swear to you she’ll be great with the kids. I wouldn’t leave them with her if I had any reservations. It’s also only three mornings a week.”
Amy barked out a humourless laugh. “Oh yeah, about that! She’s planning on putting them in some community centre, so someone else will look after them while she does her own thing.”
“There you go then. She really won’t be looking after them much, so there’s nothing for you to worry about.”
“Are you serious? You’re fine with her farming them off onto strangers.”
“It’s a holiday programme at the community centre. A friend of mine works there. Emmy will be there too. The boys will love it.”
“She’s also ripping you off, this Scarlett girl. Did you know that?”
He shrugged. “Yeah. It’s been brought to my attention. It’s worth it though, isn’t it? To know the boys are well looked after.”
“She’s not going to look after them.” Amy’s eyes shone with determination. “It’s not happening.”
“Look,” Damian said, planting his hands on his hips. “You’re not even supposed to be here. You were supposed to drop the boys off, then leave again. I’d bring them back to you at the end of the holidays. The way I choose to take care of them between now and then isn’t really anything to do with you. As long as they’re safe and happy.”
“I’m their mother,” she said, mirroring his stance. “It’s got everything to do with me.”
“Have I ever interfered with the way you take care of the boys?” He softened his voice as he appealed to her compassionate side. “No,” he said, when she refused to answer. “I don’t interfere because I trust that you’ll look after them. What you’re saying now is that doesn’t work both ways. Which isn’t a massive surprise, is it? We both know you always thought I was a useless father.” A lump rose in his throat as he spoke the words, and he turned away from her. He couldn’t even blame her for thinking he was useless. Even he could admit he’d let her and their kids down.
“I’ve never thought you’re a useless father,” she said, the catch in her voice giving the impression she might actually mean it.
He gave her a sidelong look and managed a small smile. “Can you please trust me with my choice of babysitter?”
Amy chewed her bottom lip. “Scarlett seemed awful. She thinks the boys are brats.”
“She doesn’t,” he said. “She hung out with them for an hour this morning, and she was great with them. Ask the boys if you don’t believe me. Even Marty took to her.”
The twitch of her eyebrow told him she might be coming around. “I don’t know,” she said with a sigh. “She was rude and brash and came across like a stroppy teenager. I can’t even gauge how you think she’s a suitable babysitter.”
“Okay. Here’s the truth of it.” Damian rubbed at the space between his eyebrows. “Scarlett is autistic. She has terrible social skills. But she’s way better with kids than she is with adults.”
Amy closed her eyes, as though she couldn’t quite believe what she was hearing. “I don’t know whether that makes it better or worse,” she said, shaking her head. “Is she even competent enough to look after children?”
“Yes,” he said confidently. “She has some challenges, but I have every faith in her when it comes to looking after Billy and Marty. She’s been babysitting Emmy for a while. And Lizzie’s kids,” he added in a rush. “Lizzie who you met today … she has three little livewires. Scarlett’s been babysitting them for years and there’s never been any problem.”
“I’m going to be here anyway,” Amy said. “It probably makes more sense for me to look after them when you’re working. That will save you some money too.”
“The money isn’t an issue,” he said. “I don’t have a problem providing for my children financially. I never have.” It was the only way he’d consistently done his part, and he wasn’t about to let her suggest otherwise.
“That’s not what I meant,” she said.
He took a deep breath. “You’re going to be too busy with your holiday job to look after the boys anyway.”
“I already told you, I’m not doing that any more,” she said.
“I suspect I know the answer to this, but why not? What exactly happened?”
“Scarlett was going on about how the children are brats and how she was scamming you for money. I told them I didn’t think me working for them was going to work out and left in a rush.”
“Okay, we can straighten all that out. Lizzie and Emily are great. You’ll really like them when you get to know them. Scarlett too.”
Amy looked sceptical, but said nothing. Damian turned to check on the boys, who’d moved to dig a hole in the sand. His phone vibrated and he pulled it from his pocket. “That’s Lizzie now,” he said, then swiped his finger across the screen and greeted her cheerfully.
“Just a small problem,” she said in that unflappable tone of hers. “There’s been an issue with Scarlett and Amy. Your ex.”