Page 52 of The Rebound
Not that he would tell her that, he thought with a silent laugh. She didn’t necessarily like hearing his wild compliments. He understood why. This wasn’t serious. This was just fucking, and being friends, and supporting each other’s dreams, and if that seemed kind of like a relationship, well, think again. Rebound, not relationship.
“You go somewhere?” She tilted her head back down to match his gaze. “You’re supposed to be fucking me, not drifting off somewhere.”
“I’m not drifting. I’m planning.”
“Planning what?”
“You’re about to find out.”
He let her slip to the floor so he could retrieve a condom from his pocket. Once he had it in his hand, she snatched it from him and tore it open with her teeth. “You’re always so slow,” she said impatiently.
“They’re slippery,” he complained. “I’m thinking of writing a letter of complaint. It’s like they make them that way on purpose so you think twice before having sex.”
She shook her head at his complaining tone. “You’re such a goofball, how the hell are you a functioning member of Lake Bittersweet society?”
“Am I though? I feel like I’m faking it.”
She kneeled down to slide the condom onto his cock, but before she did so, she put her own mouth on it first. Her lips closed over the tip. He ate up the sight of her working his cock into her mouth. Sweet Jesus, the way she suckled him made him feel like a god.
When he knew he couldn’t handle any more, he pulled away so she could roll on the condom. He wanted to get back to that same position, the one that had gotten them so hot and bothered a minute ago, but somehow this time they ended up on the floor. Which would never do, so he picked her up and tossed her onto his loveseat. Face down, over the arm. Legs spread, her wet sex beckoning, the most sexy and erotic sight he’d ever seen.
“Jason,” she moaned when he slid inside her, not bothering to take it gentle, because he knew just how turned on she was. So juicy, so hot, her flesh trembling with each deep thrust of his hips.
He reached around to her front, found her slick nub plump and swelling, and fingered her in a fast rhythm guaranteed to drive her over the edge. As soon as she tipped over, crying out in her throaty voice, he let himself loose. He nearly blacked out from the pleasure as he exploded deep inside her channel. When his vision cleared, he was still inside, pulsing with the aftershocks, one hand still clamped on her pussy.
He pulled her to her feet, worried that maybe he’d gone too far. “Was that okay? Tell me that was okay. Or tell me it wasn’t.”
“Jason.” She turned to face him, and all his fears evaporated. The satisfaction written in the relaxed lines of her face and the softness in her eyes told him she’d had just as much fun as he had. “Do I ever hold back if I need to say something?”
“Not that I know of.” She’d flat-ironed her hair, which she did occasionally for a change, and styled it in pretty waves that framed her face. He tucked a strand behind her ears, but she shook him off.
“Please no messing with my hair when I have to get to work.”
He dropped his hand. “Sorry.”
“See? Didn’t I just prove my point? If I don’t like something, you will know about it.” She scanned him with a sassy up-and-down. “Are you telling me you never even took your pants off?”
“More efficient.” He peeled off the condom and hauled his pants up with his other hand. “It’s sexy, right?” He pumped his hips in a strip-tease kind of grind, waving the condom in the air. Dancing like a cross between a cowboy and Magic Mike, he made his way to the nearest waste basket to toss the condom.
His act had her laughing so hard she had to rest her hands on her knees. She waved air toward her face to catch her breath. “Don’t…don’t make me get a stitch in my side. I still have to work tonight.”
He grinned at her as he fastened his pants back up. “And I need to get to that meeting.”
That sobered her up. A shadow crossed her face and she knelt down to gather up her clothes. Her body radiated a bronze glow in the lamplight of his bedroom. She was so beautifully formed, then wrapped in that gorgeous skin. How had he gotten so lucky to end up as her rebound?
But he shouldn’t have mentioned that meeting. By rights, she should be there too, delivering a report on the town manager’s activities. The position had finally been filled by someone from out of town, a highly experienced woman whose name Jason kept forgetting out of sheer peevishness.
“Before you go, remember how I said I wanted to ask you something?” She fastened the button of her pants. “It’s been on my mind for a while.”
He groaned silently. Kendra was impossible to fool because she remembered everything. That business brain of hers never turned off all the way.
“You sound serious. I thought we weren’t doing serious.”
“Of course we aren’t. This isn’t that kind of serious.”
He turned away to hide his disappointment. Absurd to feel disappointed when he knew perfectly well they weren’t serious. It was a mutual choice and it made complete sense. Neither of them were ready for a new relationship. He was still recovering from…for a moment he blanked on her name.