Page 21 of The Crush
“It’s a six-hour hike on a good day.”
She blanched a little. “Six hours? What was Rosalind thinking?” she murmured.
“It’s beautiful there. Maybe she forgot how far it is.”
“I’m not sure she’s ever been there. Maybe she just liked the name. She did have some dementia toward the end. She mentioned a man from her past, but as far as I know she never married.”
“Sounds like material for a book.”
She shot him a look that said he had no clue what he was talking about. “I don’t write romantic novels.”
“But maybe she lured him up there and pushed him off the cliff.”
“Oh my God.” She clapped her hands together, the delight on her face making him lightheaded. “I think I love you for that. Let’s do it, if you’re still up for it. It can double as a research trip. I’ve been looking for one more murder method for my WIP. Work in progress,” she explained when he shook his head blankly.
They selected the day that looked the most promising according to the forecast. He gave her a list of everything she’d need to bring. “I’ll take care of food and water. But you’ll need some solid hiking boots, extra layers of clothing, and rain gear. There’s a few other items.”
She scanned the list. “Reminds me of Girl Scouts when I was eleven. Thanks for this, Galen. I really appreciate it. Granny will be grateful, too. She’s been mourning her friend. I get the impression there’s a story about Rosalind that she’s keeping to herself. She’s been re-reading her journals and listening to Adele.”
After she left, Galen studied the computer a while longer, his head spinning. He was going on a six-hour hike with Brenda McMurray. Twelve hours round-trip. Chances were, she’d be too exhausted after the climb up to the ridge, and they’d have to spend the night up there. He knew of a cabin that was rarely used anymore. Just to be safe, should he bring sleeping bags?
The sound of the door opening made him start. Redbull ambled inside, a can of Modelo in one hand, a paper plate of fried fish in the other. “Did I give you enough time?” he asked.
“For what?”
“Nail down a date with your crush.”
“I thought you went to watch the game.”
“You know I’m more of a basketball fan. No offense.” He winked, since Galen was always guaranteed to react to any hint of disrespect toward Billy’s sport.
But right now, Galen didn’t have the bandwidth to react to any baseball slurs. “So you were trying to give me some time alone with Brenda?”
“I didn’t want to overpower her with my charisma. Had to give you some space.” Redbull strolled toward the desk with his usual unhurried pace. That was something they shared, an abhorrence of being rushed. Putting numbers on the passage of time offended both of them—which meant they’d never posted official office hours. People either lucked out and found someone in the office, or they left a message. It worked out. “So, what’s the what?”
“I’m taking her up to LadyBird Rock to scatter her friend’s ashes.”
Redbull pursed his lips. “That’s some first date you lined up.”
Galen snorted, and soon they were both laughing. “Don’t count me out. I think she might like me.”
“Enjoy it while you can, because she’s gonna hate you after that hike.”
Brenda requested a day off at school, since the big hike was scheduled for a Friday. Classes had just gotten going again, and she had a new batch of students to get to know. Normally she didn’t like to take time off this early in the year because the kids needed to get used to her.
But Rosalind deserved to have her last wishes respected.
Granny followed her into the garage, where she’d stashed totes containing her extra stuff when she’d moved to Lake Bittersweet from Arizona. So many memories were stored in those totes—many of them related to Maura—and hopefully her old hiking boots right along with them. In Arizona, she’d done a fair amount of hiking. Hopefully it was like riding a bike.
Olaf kept getting in the way, sniffing each tote as she sorted through it. Granny scooped him up.
“Will you walk him at least once, Granny? I’ll only be gone one day, two at most.”
“Two days? Are you saying you might spend the night up there?”
“Galen said it’s a backup option if we’re too tired. By which he means, if I’m too tired. He could probably run up to that ridge and back ten times and be fine.”