Page 42 of The Crush
“Because we’re dirty.”
“Maybe I like dirty.”
“But you’re always so neat and tidy.”
“Is that how I seem?” She smiled, her expression relaxing, and it felt like the entire cave was flooded with sunshine. “Storm Brenda isn’t like that. Maybe Storm Brenda likes things dirty.”
“Storm Brenda’s pretty cool.”
“She is, isn’t she? I don’t know where she’s been all my life. Maybe waiting for the right storm. Or holed up in her room writing.” She put her hands on the collar of his jacket and pulled him back to her.
He held her off for one more question.
“What’s real Brenda going to think the next morning?”
“Oh, who cares about her?” She made a sassy face that sent shivers of delight through him. He could plant himself in an armchair and watch her expressions all day, and never get bored. “But I suppose you have a point. Let’s just keep making out. Some kissing, a little smooching. Are you okay with that?”
“I have no problem with that. Come here.”
Fire rushed through him as their bodies closed the gap he’d put between them. He felt the lush swell of her breasts against his chest, ran his hands along the hairpin curve of her waist. It reminded him of a switchback on the trail, transporting him to somewhere new and magical.
They kissed until they were both breathless and panting, until steam seemed to rise from their warming bodies.
Should he tell her he’d had a crush on her since she’d first arrived in town? Was this a full disclosure situation? He tried to pin down the right words to explain it, but his head was swimming with the intoxication of their kisses. He didn’t want to talk. But he didn’t want things to go too far before he confessed to her. He didn’t like keeping something back from her. It felt wrong.
Get off this mountain first, then tell her, he decided. That way she wouldn’t still be stuck with him while she let him down easy.
He drew away from her. “We should get some sleep,” he murmured.
“You’re in charge.” Did she sound disappointed? He couldn’t quite tell. He was still as hard as that cave wall, and his heart was jumping out of his chest.
He crouched down and unzipped her sleeping bag. “This is a sub-zero bag that gets a solid five stars at every store. Highly recommended.”
She bit her lip, hesitating. “Should I wear these same clothes?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with. I’ll probably strip down to one layer. These sleeping bags are toasty. If I was here alone, I’d take everything off. Bare skin works best with the sleeping bag, thermally speaking.”
“Hmm.” She shot him a teasing look. “Storm Brenda might be tempted to do that.”
She unbuttoned the wool jacket he’d given her, then tossed it aside. Underneath, she wore a tightly-fitting synthetic top that shaped her breasts beautifully. He caught the faint outline of her nipples, and got lightheaded for a bright moment.
Everything in him wanted to let her keep stripping her clothes off. Everything except his conscience.
He cleared his throat reluctantly. “On the other hand, if we get surprised by something in the middle of the night, you might want to have some clothes on.”
“Right. That’s a very good point. I’ll just take this off and sleep in my bra and long underwear.”
And there went the top. A rush of cream and gold was all he saw at first. Skin like vanilla ice cream, freckles like spice dust. She wore a surprisingly sexy halter top sports bra; or maybe any bra on her would be sexy. Her flesh curved above the cups in a way that made his mouth water.
He kept watching, slack-jawed, while she peeled off her hiking pants. The long underwear underneath nearly came off, too, giving him a quick glimpse of lushly curved hips before she straightened herself out.
She was spectacular, and she lit up the cave like a goddess rising from the earth. He couldn’t manage to move until she slid into the sleeping bag and rested her head on her joined hands.
“Do you need a pillow? I’ll make you one.”
He rolled up one of his extra shirts to form a pillow and gently lifted her head to put it into place. She sighed as she adjusted her neck to it. “Heaven,” she murmured.
He couldn’t agree more.