Page 62 of Punishing Penelope
Peter is gone a long while, too long. The worry grows that something unexpected happened, with him or with Cole. Finally, I peek at a message from him while trying to focus on my former friend.
[omw. I’ll explain later]
“Cole’s all right,” I tell Sandra, even though I’m not sure, but it’s what Peter’s words convey to me. “Are you staying here? Do you have anywhere you want us to take you? Do you want to come with us?”
“I have a place to stay. I’ll be okay. Cole’s all right?”
Peter comes through the front door, gives me a look that tells me he has a story, but he’ll keep it to himself for now.
“I set up Cole in a motel. He’s sorry. He’ll stay away. If he comes back, you are calling the cops on him, and I made sure he knows it.”
Sandra nods and looks increasingly miserable, so far from the glamorous star in the tabloids. Such a double life she’s been living, right under everyone’s noses.
“Want us to…”
“I’m good. I’ll pack some stuff, and we’ll be on our way.” She stands, and I follow, hugging her.
“If you need anything...” I take her hand and squeeze it.
She wipes under her eyes, smiles, and looks between Peter and me.
“Please, don’t tell... anyone.”
I understand. We both promise, then leave. It’s clear she’s done with the vulnerability display. We’re weighing her down, reminding her of failure and heartbreak. Some half-assed promises of keeping in touch, then we stand in silence on her driveway.
“Let’s walk,” Peter says.
“What happened with Cole?” I take Peter’s hand, and we aim for a nearby park a couple of intersections away.
“He ran off.”
“No, I found him, but it took me a while. He’s in a motel now, but I don’t know what he’ll do.”
“He won’t go looking for her?”
“Big no. A man couldn’t be more devastated. He knows they’re done. I mean, it’s not like there was any real love between them, to begin with.”
“Hot summer passion that went on for too long.”
I tackle him lightly. “I know a summer passion that didn’t go on long enough.”
Peter’s eyes gleam wickedly. “You were so hot in those little shorts.”
“It’s only been eight years. I’m still hot.”
“That’s eight years of forever.” He pulls me closer and wraps an arm around my waist. “Eight long years wasted.”
“Aww, you sap.”
“Hey! Who are you calling sap?”
He pokes my side, and I twitch from the tickling, trying to jump out of his reach. Peter pulls me into his arms, exhales, and buries his face in my hair. He smells faintly of Cole, and I love him for it. He’s held him, and I love how he isn’t afraid to be a real human being.
“Honestly, I think we’re better for it.” I kiss his earlobe, his cheek, his lips, and he reciprocates.
A car honks, and I spin around, flipping off whoever dared disturb our moment.