Page 10 of Shame
Father, forgive me for I have sinned.
I lather and rinse, lather and rinse. There’s no use not obeying, and besides, the feeling of ridding myself of every trace of tonight is bliss.
Forgetting myself, I jump when the door opens.
“Time’s up. Come with me.”
My heart sinks. It’s time. Time for the boss himself. I’m used up. Destroyed. What more can he possibly want from me?
I reach for the towel, but Ivan snatches it out of my hands. “You won’t have no use for that.” Then he reattaches the black leather collar around my neck, grabs the chain and loops it in his fist. “Let’s go.”
I’m dripping wet and shake visibly as I stumble behind him through the dark house, the rooms getting cozier, more personal. I realize we’re in the private part of the house, and that there is no one else here. No staff in sight. No one who can hear me scream. No one who can help me. I look at the broad back of the man in front of me and I don’t know whether I should hope for him to stay, or if I should pray that he’ll leave.
Opening one half of a double door, he then pushes me inside.
“Good luck, Miss Moreno.”
Luck? There is no luck in this house.
The room is faintly lit only by a little lamp next to a large bed with four bedposts, and another little lamp in one of the windows. There’s a masculine feel to the room, all dark leather furniture and muted colors. A scent of a cologne I recognize lingers in the air, as well as a hint of fresh soap. I finger the collar and look around me. I think I’m alone and flinch hard when Salvatore speaks, his deep voice coming from a dark corner to my left.
“Step inside, Carmen. Place yourself where I can see you.”
I take a tentative step forward, and then one after the other until he tells me to stop.
“Are you afraid yet?”
I shudder. “Yes, sir. I am.”
“Good. Are you in pain?”
Do I tell him yes and hope he’ll take pity on me? Do I tell him no and hope he’ll find me brave? I decide for the truth. I think the truth will always be the best with this man.
“No, sir. I ache some.”
“Where do you ache, Carmen. Step closer. Come stand before me.”
I move toward his voice, seeing him better now that my eyes have adjusted.
A low purr emanating from his throat makes my pussy clench. How can he affect me? Still? After all this?
“Closer, Carmen.” He spreads his thighs and I step in between them, so close that I feel the heat against the outsides of my own thighs.
“Good girl.” He pulls down his zipper and pulls out his cock, already hard. “Now tell me. Where does it ache?”
I clear my throat, my eyes darting between the much too handsome face of my tormentor, and the impressive thick cock he’s stroking.
“My nipples. My throat.”
“My men gave you a good pummeling, didn’t they?”
“Yes,” I whisper.
“Speak up!”