Page 34 of A City of Flames
Every knot tightens inside me as I glance around at venators who have possibly come back from other missions.
I take a few steps back, taking one last look at Adriel before quickening my pace out of the infirmary and closing the doors behind. Keeping hold of the handle, my eyes widen as I stare ahead, detached from everything.
I glance to my left, where Lorcan is now looking at me. He’s come back.
“Are you alright?” He inclines his head with a frown, the general nowhere to be seen. “You’ve gone awfully pale—”
“What do you know of the new breed?” The words rush out of me as I let go of the doorknob and face him.
My question at first startles him, then he lowers his brows. “Nara, that’s not something we can discuss freely.”
“Why not? Isn’t it our job as trainees to know what is going on instead of hearing rumors from others?”
“It is something we are trying to figure out,” he says with cold authority like he doesn’t want to talk more of it. “Once you swear in as venator—”
“If I swear in as venator.” It’s not that I don’t think I can pass the trial. It’s that Adriel’s warning pulses through my mind, repeating it over and over. Or far worse, or far worse, or far worse.
Lorcan heaves a deep breath, rubbing that marred hand over his forehead, the mud still coating it. “Just don’t worry about those rumors. Focus on training and passing the trial.”
“But what if it’s not—” I stop myself before I can say the Golden Thief, remembering how Lorcan doesn’t know I’ve seen and fought him and only to have him escape and steal either way.
“Look, I think you should get some rest,” Lorcan says as I clamp my mouth shut. “It’s been a long night.” That wall is up again, scorching with fire that I can’t touch or see through. He makes a move past me and I spin without thought.
“Wait, Lorcan,” I call out to him, but the minute he tilts to face me, I hesitate. I left the jewelers without the right mindset, and I was ready to tell Lorcan about how I’d tried to fight the Golden Thief then and there, but what difference would that have made? My agenda to catch him lies with Ivarron. The venators have other plans. “Thank you for trying to get me out of patrolling,” I say rather than what I was going to instead, but I still meant my gratitude.
He nods curtly as he resumes striding down the hall but not before halting and looking towards the left like he wants to turn back.
But he does not.
My eyes blink closed as I release a breath, hearing Lorcan’s steps down the hallway, disappearing the further he walks.
Standing by the footing of my chest of drawers, I cradle a letter from my brothers in my hands. Days after Oran’s and Adriel’s deaths, the arena fight had come round. Everyone in the barracks went on with their days, their training. A few others carved both names onto that stone pillar in the mess hall while I’d questioned each night if their deaths were fated or something more.
Snapping out of that, I gaze at the parchment paper, ripping it open. I’d not expected a letter so soon, compared to other trainees, but I know my brothers—Illias most of all—would have wanted to send me one straight away.
I smile, focusing on the cursive words:
As usual, Iker is the one writing this though I am the one telling him what to put down. If only you could see his face right now, it’s priceless.
A soft chuckle departs from my lips, Illias had never learned how to write, but Iker was magnificent with pen and paper.
Moving on, though... It’s been a strange time here without you around, Idris yells at us more frequently, and I suppose it’s his way of missing you. On the other hand, I’ve completed two paintings. One I gave to Miss Kiligra, which she threw away since she’d heard scary stories of paintings coming to life to attack you. And another to Ivarron after we’d failed at trapping a goblin.
Strangely, he asks about you, wondering when your return might be and frightening as always, Idris tends to hold back from pummeling him. I still curse you for getting involved with Ivarron, but I suppose I also thank him for strengthening you.
Nevertheless, we hope everything is going well there. It’s nice telling everyone your sister is training to become a venator just like father. And as Idris says, go chase that adventure you have always wanted Nara, you deserve it.
See you soon,
Illias, Iker, Idris.
I fold the letter, smiling brighter as I hug it to my chest before placing it inside my drawers. Reading it has only emphasized how much I miss them. Ivarron, however, is the one person I do not miss. I know why he wondered when I’d be back, it’s because he is interested in the Golden Thief’s blood more than me.
“Just to inform you, Nara—” Freya walks in, raising a hand. Her violet cloak matching the day gown she’s wearing. “—I am no fan of these arena fights, they make me queasy and nervous, but since it is your first time, I’ve agreed to come with you.”