Page 58 of A City of Flames
My gaze darkens in irritation. “Well, you cheated there too with that orange fur ball of yours.”
“I am no orange fur ball!” Tibith scampers up Darius’s leg before resting by his shoulder. “My name is Tibith Miss!”
“I know,” I say with a straight face. “I haven’t forgotten from when we first met.”
“It is not my fault, Miss. I must protect Darry first,” he argues back, crossing his arms.
A loyal accomplice, how lovely.
“You know I hate to admit it, but you’re a somewhat special venator,” Darius says, pointing at me and then placing Tibith back down on the floor. “Most mortals fear me.”
“Really now?” I can’t help the snort that smokes out from my nostrils. “I’ve heard a few that think differently.”
A beam of excitement flickers in his eyes, gold turning to honey brown. He knows what I’d meant.
Rydan, Lillian, and even others speak of him in whispers they think no one can hear. To my utmost frustration, the name Golden Thief follows me everywhere.
“Well, some happen to be fans of my work,” he says, taking out a gold coin from his pocket, tracing it between each leather finger. “But you.” His movements stop as his gaze roams over me. “You wanted to catch me as part of your own efforts that didn’t involve the venators.”
The grip on my hilt loosens, knowing I have branded myself as traitorous towards the venators... unworthy.
“And after days of thinking it through,” he goes on. “I decided I’d give you exactly what you want from me.”
His deal.
“You’re willing to give me some of your blood?” I ask, lifting my brows, doubtful since he’d told me to break my promise of ever getting it.
He nods, to my amazement. “In exchange for something, of course.”
Of course. My lips peel back into a wry smile. “And what is that?”
“Tell me why you want my blood in the first place, and then I’ll explain.”
I stay staring at him then Tibith as he rocks on his feet, tilting his head to each side like he’s also waiting on an answer.
An answer I haven’t told anyone.
Several seconds pass, leading into minutes where I don’t say a word. My obstinance can be categorized as tiresome by now.
“Is she frozen Darry?” Tibith inquires with a tweet to his voice.
Darius makes a noise of agreement, looking at Tibith. “Would explain why she lost the first time against me, she’s always freezing.”
Oh, please.
“It’s said,” I finally say with a sharp tone, prompting Darius to look at me. “Your blood grants immortality if ingested. And a man I’d worked for as a trapper told me to bring it to him in exchange for—” I sigh “—freedom.”
“Is being in the city and part of the venators, not freedom enough?” He asks, and I understand why he says that. For a shifter, freedom isn’t an option.
“Freedom for my brothers,” I answer quietly, lowering my head before shaking it as I meet his stare again. But all there is, is silence slamming down a width between us.
He angles his head, and something in his gaze stirs unrecognizably. I speak again, controlling that firmness in my posture. “I’ve told you the reason. Now tell me what your demands are.”
His expression is gone within a second as he gives me a knowing smile. “I want you to steal something for me. A pendant the queen wears. I’m sure you’ve seen it on her by now.”
I recall the faint memory of when I was training a few weeks ago. The queen had approached me, and the first thing I’d laid eyes on was a pendant of gold and rivers overlapping a compass.
But the idea of stealing from the queen... I shudder at the thought of failing and being thrown in the dungeons.