Page 104 of Love on Deck
Lauren set the table while I put out the food. We sat, piling our plates while the TV was on in the background.
I spun my fork in the noodles. “Any new job leads?”
“One, actually. I had an interview for it today.”
“What?” I lowered my fork full of pasta. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She twirled her fork, speaking calmly. “It happened really fast. I submitted the application last night and they called this morning to set up a Zoom interview.” She shrugged, eating the bite of pasta.
“It went well.” She wiped her mouth and finished chewing. “They offered me the job.”
“Lauren, that’s great.” I stared at her, but she didn’t seem very excited about the prospect. “What’s the job?”
“Event managing for a small firm in Plano.”
“And the commute is bothering you?”
“No. I mean, it’s not ideal, but it’s not too bad.”
I pushed my plate away and leaned closer to her. “What is it, then? You don’t seem happy about this at all.”
Her hazel eyes dropped to her plate. “It’s not the job... I guess it just doesn’t feel satisfying to go back to doing the exact same thing I did for Hunnam. I’ve been wondering if I should do something else entirely.”
“Like what?”
She wrinkled her nose. “I have no idea.”
“Did they give you time to make a decision?”
“I asked for the weekend, so I have to let them know by Monday.”
My hand snaked across the table to take hers. “Since you don’t have to return to Dallas after you drop me off, do you want to spend the weekend with me in Arcadia? Maybe clear your head?” I held my breath, suddenly worried that the idea of being in my quaint little hometown wouldn’t sound like much fun for her.
“Yes,” she said quietly. “I’d like that a lot.”
Within twenty minutes we’d finished eating, shut off the TV, grabbed my bag, and were on our way. “Don’t you need to run home for clothes?”
Lauren shot me a sheepish smile while she pulled on to the toll road. “I came prepared.”
A laugh tore from my chest. “Of course you did.”
“Hey,” she said, her tone defensive. “I didn’t want to be stranded if we hit another deer and then be forced to wear your mom’s nightgown again.”
“I liked it... in an 1800s farmwife sort of way.”
“Don’t get me wrong. It was comfortable. But it wasn’t mine, you know?”
“I get it.”
She looked at me briefly before putting her gaze back on the road. She seemed hesitant, if not a little nervous. “Are your parents going to be okay with me coming?”
“Are you kidding?” I leaned my elbow on the center console. “My mom has asked almost daily when you could come back for another visit. If anything, she’ll be mad they have to leave while you’re there.”
Relief was palpable in Lauren’s soft exhale. “Good. I like your mom.”
“I think she likes you, too.”