Page 2 of Love on the Byline
“Enlightening my ass,” Blake muttered as she closed herlaptop and shoved it into her bag. “It’s easy to be detached when you don’thave a soul.”
Ollie hadn’t meant to laugh, and he shut it down fast whenBlake stared daggers at him.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing.” He held up his hands. “Nothing at all, I wasn’tlaughing at you. I promise.”
She’d paused, eyeing him with suspicion before she blew outa breath. Her shoulders sagged. “I know, sorry. That dude is a dick.”
“That he is,” Ollie agreed.
They stood and made their way to the door.
“Are you still up to working on our final project? I knowit’s not due for weeks, but I’d love to finish early.” Please say yes,Ollie prayed silently.
Blake gave him a soft smile. “Of course. I’m all yours.”
He wished.
“For the next two hours, anyway,” she added with a sigh.“After that, I have to go to work. I have the lateshift at the café.”
“We’ll have to make these two hours count, then.”
The quick walk across the University of Philadelphia campuswas uneventful. The spring semester had just begun, but everyone already seemedto have their heads down and their routines set. The quad was full of activity.Groups sat gathered under the budding leaves of the oak trees, their booksspread out on the sprouting grass. Others tossed Frisbees or simply socialized,enjoying the warming weather.
The library was cool and quiet when they entered, and theywalked silently up the stairs to the third floor. The nook in the back cornerof the Music and Art section had become their spot.
Ollie loved that he and Blake had a spot. He smiledwhen she set down her bag, sat in the heavy oak chair, and breathed a sigh ofrelief.
No one ever visited this part of the library, at least notwhen they had been there, so they could talk without being shushed every tenseconds.
“Don’t let Crosby get to you.”
“That’s great advice.” She pulled the tie out of her hairand her curls sprang out in every direction.
He watched her wrestle the coils back into the silk andelastic band, like she was taming a living being, and found her utterlycharming.
When she looked up at him, he couldn’t hide his grin.
She rolled her eyes. “Sorry. You’re right. It’s just thathe’s such a...a...”
“A sanctimonious prick?”
Her smile was blinding. “Come sit and let’s crack thisassignment wide open.”
Helpless, Ollie did as he was told. He sat as close to heras he dared, surprised when she scooted closer and opened her laptop. Thewarmth of her thigh pressed against his was life-altering.
He scrambled to retrieve his own laptop. Work.
They had work to do.
“So, I was thinking,” she said as she leaned even closer.Her arm brushed his and Ollie felt the contact travel through his body like acurrent. “What if we approached it by...”
Blake’s warm, brown skin was as soft as a petal. He couldn’tconcentrate on what she was saying.
“...exploration of gender fluidity...”