Page 29 of Love on the Byline
He instinctively ran a hand down her back, grateful when sheleaned into his touch. They hadn’t regained that level of intimacy. It was a remnantfrom long ago, but he’d needed to offer comfort with more than his feeblewords.
“The hardest thing is watching a mind like his slip away.”Her voice wavered in the shadow of the oak tree they’d stopped under. In the quietof the stage, it almost felt as if they were indeed out in the wild somewhere.Alone.
“If I’m honest,” she continued, “I didn’t visit often, evenwhen I was still in Philly. was difficult. Sometimes he would rememberme, other times...”
Ollie slid his hand up to her shoulder and squeezed. “I’venever been through anything similar, but I can imagine how hard it would be tolose someone you love like that. It sounds fucking terrifying, actually.”
She looked up. “It is.”
“You know he’d be proud of you.”
Blake huffed out a sound between disbelief and disdain.“Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
Ollie gently turned her to face him. “He would. What did yousay earlier? Not the job you want, but it’s a job. And you’re using it as asteppingstone to get to where you want to be, right? There’s nothing wrong withthat.”
Blake’s cheeks flushed as she met Ollie’s gaze, but insteadof looking away she simply smiled before nodding in agreement.
“You’re right, I know.”
With one last glance around building twenty-eight, Ollie heldout his hand to Blake and motioned towards the door leading out onto the lotonce again.
“Come on,” he said softly. “There’s more to see.”
They exited into the bright sunlight, hand-in-hand, andOllie felt like a kid walking with his crush. It was silly. It was simply divine.
“Hungry?” he asked after they’d spent another hour exploring.“The canteen is nearby.”
She let out a quick breath. “Food. Yes, please.”
“Ollie! There you are.” Lorna jogged over to them, clutchingher tablet to her chest as if it were her offspring. “I texted you.”
“Sorry,” he replied as he took out his phone. “Weird, Idon’t have any missed texts from you. What’s up?”
“Lorna Vaden.” She extended a hand to Blake.
“Lorna’s one of the finest writers in L.A.,” Ollie said. “She’sgot two Emmy nominations to her name.”
“You flatter me,” Lorna said. “Sorry to interrupt.”
“Not a problem. Blake Dillon,” she replied as they shook.“Should I...?” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder and took a step back.
“No.” He exclaimed, resisting the urge to grab her hand again.“I promised to feed you.”
Blake grinned. “You did.”
“Can you eat and write?” Lorna walked in the direction ofthe canteen, a few yards away. “I really need you.”
“Not happy with the rewrite?”
“This is a whole new scene,” Lorna said, groaning.“Tim had an epiphany after watching the dailies yesterday, and now hewants to add a scene.”
“And you’re not in the writing room because...?”
She laughed. “Writing room. Two of them quit this morning.Poached by another studio for a prime-time series.”