Page 31 of Love on the Byline
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” Lorna and Blake replied at the same time.
He laughed. “Way to make a guy blush.”
“Oh, but you’re so cute when you do,” Lorna said asshe walked away.
He turned to find Blake grinning at him. “What?”
“There’s more to you than meets the eye, Oliver Benjamin.”
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not sure how torespond. He knew he was good at what he did, but it wasn’t often that otherssaw him as more than Bran’s go-to guy.
“Lorna obviously values your input— why else would she haveasked you to bail her out? And you’re writing for a TV series...” She gesturedtowards the script on the table between them. “’s amazing!”
“It’s not official.”
“I hope they’re paying you.” When he didn’t answer, shescowled. “Oliver.”
“I’ve only helped out once or twice.” More like four or fivetimes, but she didn’t need to know that.
She studied him a moment before leaning close, her armsfolded on the table between them.
“Know your worth, Oliver”
“Likewise, Blake.”
They gazed at each other, the moment stretching along withthe corners of his mouth. The smile he could feel from the bottom of his feetto the top of his head.
“Noted,” she said. “Now feed me.”
GIDEON: I need you in Studio City ASAP. Lead on KarenK. and some boytoy.
BLAKE: I’m changing your name to alarm clock inmy phone.
GIDEON: A real reporter is up with the dawn.
Blake groaned, feeling all too real.
“Most people didn’t stay up half the night to do researchfor a story they didn’t really want to write while ignoring the onethat was actually important,” she grumbled to her empty bedroom.
She’d fallen asleep in her street clothes. Her bra had duginto her shoulder like a dull knife, and she felt the sharp pain of it as sherolled to her back.
If the Internet was anything to go by, Brandon Cody neePeters was exactly the vacuous, self-absorbed asshole she’d always thought himto be. The only thing that had her digging a little deeper was Ollie’s devotionto him.
Once she swept past the numerous columns and posts on Bran’sdating habits, if you could call it dating, she found that he was widelyconsidered to be a decent actor. “A lot of potential” came up frequently, aswell as “leading man material.”
He had the looks, she could admit that much. Not that hecould hold a candle to Oliver Benjamin. Ollie was handsome, but there was moreto him than his piercing eyes, dimpled cheeks, or disarming smile.
He was confident without being arrogant, friendly without ahint of pretense. He had a strong moral code and wasn’t afraid to stand up forwhat he believed in, even when it meant standing alone.
She had done a little background on him, too. For thearticle.
She’d looked up Bran’s agent, publicist, and nutritionist aswell. So, it had only made sense for her to do a bit of research on Ollie,surprised when she found he had a few writing credits on IMDB.
She smiled now as she had yesterday, thinking of Olliewriting for a hit show or a big blockbuster. Or maybe a quiet, independent filmthat garnered Oscar buzz.