Page 34 of Love on the Byline
It was too good a word for schlock like this. “Thanks forthe info.” Blake wrote down the details.
“Thanks for the cash,” Willow replied, her eyes bright. “I’moff tonight and the hotel is hosting an event for this hot talent agency. I’mgoing to see if I can crash it.”
“Are you an actress, too?”
“Only aspiring, but I heard from a friend that this companyis always looking for fresh faces.”
Blake finished up her notes and opened her bag to put themaway. “Yeah? Which company is that?”
“They’re called Diamond Moon Enterprises.”
Blake stilled. “Diamond Moon?”
“You probably haven’t heard about them,” Willow said in ahushed tone. “My friend Britney said they’re very much on the downlow, but thatthey have deep pockets. She thinks they’re backed by the Illuminati.”
Biting back a groan, Blake nodded. “Do you happen to have acontact for them?” At Willow’s raised eyebrows, she added. “I have a friendlooking to break into the business.”
“Dillon. My office.”
Blake barely had time to step off the elevator and removeher glasses before Sonja barked the order. She was eager to follow up on theinfo Willow had given her about Diamond Moon but obeyed the summons.
She could count on one hand the number of times she’d beencalled into the Chief’s office where it hadn’t been to force a coursecorrection or to chastise Blake for not following up on some juicylead.
“Close the door.”
Blake did as instructed and turned to face her.
Sonja was of medium height with a slender figure, dark hazeleyes, and blonde hair just this side of snow white. Her sharp features could beat times cold and striking, depending on her mood and her agenda. Right now,her expression was glacial. So was the temperature of her voice.
“I hear you’re reluctant to interview Brandon Cody. Care toexplain?”
“Actually, I’m scheduled to shadow him again tomorrow.”
Sonja looked up from where she’d been signing papers. Blakewas surprised to see the relief in her eyes.
“I’m...glad to hear that.” Leaning back in her chair, shelooked at her. It was an uneasy inventory of Blake’s abilities as a reporter,as an employee. As a human being, probably.
Blake didn’t squirm.
“I didn’t want you on this story, initially.”
I didn’t want it, she didn’t reply. “I appreciatethe opportunity.”
“Do you really?” Sonja crossed her legs. She wore skinnyjeans and a billowy, bohemian-style blouse that didn’t suit her personality onebit. “Brandon Cody is a hot property. Any number of outlets would kill theirown grandmothers for the chance that just landed in your lap. Exclusive,” theword sounded foreign in the middle of a familiar language. “One-on-one.” It wasdelivered with more intimacy than was warranted. Her eyes glittered withsomething that made Blake’s spine stiffen.
She cleared her throat. “I’ll do my best to represent theGazette with the utmost professionalism.”
The smile she received was as sharp as knives. “I’m sure.Use the opportunity to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to get close to him.”This time, her gaze swept Blake from head to toe, and it felt like an inventoryof a different kind.
“You might find it to your advantage to use all ofyour considerable assets,” she said at long last before abruptly returning herattention to her computer screen.
With a wave of Sonja’s hand, Blake was dismissed.
Breathing was only possible when she’d cleared the fiftyfeet from the office door to her cubicle. What the hell was that about?
“There you are.” Gideon stopped halfway out of the door tohis office. “Glad you could make it to work today.”
“Sonja wanted to meet as soon as I got in.”