Page 43 of Love on the Byline
Micah gazed at Ollie like he’d hung the moon. Her expressionwas the very definition of starry eyed, and Blake stifled her smile.
“You’ve moved on to another story, or..?” his expressiondimmed, and the ground beneath her feet seemed to shift. “I wouldn’t blameyou.”
That was cryptic.
“No, I...” God, and now she had to make good on herpromises. She’d been putting Bran’s publicist off for two days, with Gideonbreathing down her neck and threatening to give the story to someone else ifshe didn’t get moving on it. She glanced at Micah—“I’m in. But I’m hoping thisstory will help me get my foot in the right door.”
“Oh.” He perked up a bit. “That’s great, about theinterview. And I’m sure this will open doors for you. You’ll follow in Trent’sfootsteps.”
An inaudible gasp of surprise escaped her. “You always knowexactly what to say to me.”
Blake didn’t know she had the power to make someone blush,but Ollie did. A deep, rich color that stained his cheeks and neck.
“Well… we’ve talked about him quite a bit. The greatTrent Dillon.” His smile was teasing, despite his reverent tone.
“What are you doing here?”
“Ah, well, I teach a sort of introductory class onscriptwriting.” He shoved his hands into his pockets, something he used to dowhen he was nervous. “To the kids here.”
“I gathered.” She let her gaze sweep over him and, damn, didhe look good. “I wondered, what with...your job, and all, whether you had timefor anything else. I thought maybe you’d changed your career goals.”
“God, no,” he answered too quickly.
She laughed.
“That gig is only for now. I want a career in writing. And Ihave a few things that aren’t ready for public consumption yet.”
“The novel you wouldn’t show me at school?” He flushed evendeeper, and her jaw dropped. “You’re still working on it?”
“It’ll be finished when it’s finished,” he said, shuttingoff that part of the conversation with a shy grin. “As for this place, I’m morethan happy to help shape young minds.” He glanced at his watch. “Speaking ofwhich...”
“Do you want to meet up when you’re done? I could wait for—”
“Yes!” He seemed to catch himself. With a self-deprecatinglaugh, he shook his head. “I’d like that. I’ll be about an hour.”
“If I finish before you, I’ll wait in my car.”
“You’re more than welcome to sit in on the class, afteryou’re done talking to Deanna.”
His smile widened. “Of course.”
Of course.
“Okay,” he said. They were gazing at one another. He snappedout of it first. “Okay, catch you later.”
She watched him walk away and, man. He really knewhow to wear a pair of jeans.
Tossing her pencil aside, Micah stood up with along-suffering sigh. “Since you’re a friend of Benjamin’s,I guess Ms. Lopez wouldn’t mind talking to you.”
“Yeah?” This day just kept getting better. “You’re sure?”
“She’s in the mainstage area. I can take you through.”
“I’d appreciate it.” She followed the young woman through aset of double doors and down a short corridor, passing a few other rooms,before they came to another set of double doors.