Page 54 of Love on the Byline
“Yes, for work. Aren’t we getting off track?” She pointed atthe money on the table. “Take this. I’ll give you more when I can, but pleasetry to find someone to replace Cora.”
“I will, but are you sure about this?” Frowning, Enid pickedthe bills up off the table and counted them. “There’s five hundred here.”
“I might be able to get you another hundred if we’re pressed.”It would leave her with pennies in the bank, now that she had to cover theadvance. Maybe I could sell a kidney.
“It’s not that, I just don’t want you to… Well, I know we’renot super close, but I do notice things.” Enid wouldn’t look at her, and Blakebegan to squirm.
“Say what you want to say.”
Meeting her gaze, Enid squared her shoulders. “You’re smart,beautiful, and fun to be around, when you’re around.”
“Those are all complimentary words, but you somehow madethem sound like I should see a doctor.”
“You joke, but you’re one of those people who kinda forgetsthey need food and, like, sleep. Sex.”
“I eat,” she protested. “And I sleep. And…” Thoughts of sexbrought thoughts of Oliver Benjamin and she was not ready to unpackthat yet. “Well, I’m not looking for anything else right now. I’m concentratingon my career.”
“And I get that, but you should remember to have some funevery once in a while. All work and no play makes Enid worry about her onlyviable roommate.”
“Very touching.” She gently kicked her under the table. “Ipromise you, I’m fine.”
“Eat a banana.”
“Eat. A. Banana.”
She sighed. “Okay, I will have a banana. I promise.”
“Right now.” Arching a brow, Enid folded her arms andwaited.
After a brief stare down, Blake pulled a banana from thebunch in the bowl. It wasn’t quite ripe, but she didn’t think that would beenough to get Enid to back down. Honestly, it was nice—the attention, the care.
That she noticed Blake’s…habits meant more to her than sherealized. The banana was mealy and disgusting, but the concern for herwell-being was sweet.
When she finished eating, she threw her arms in the air. “Tada!”
Enid offered her a slow clap. “Well done, princess. Nowclose your laptop and get some sleep.”
“Nah, I have some prep to do. But I promise I’ll get to bedby eleven.”
Standing, Enid snorted. “Blake, babe. It’s almost one a.m.”
His heart in his throat, and his nerves on overdrive, Ollieshielded his eyes as he stared up at the platform that kept his best friendfrom plummeting fifteen feet to the asphalt below.
“That...doesn’t look safe,” Blake said beside him.
“It’s safe. I think.”
The way the wind whipped Bran’s coat around his large frame,he looked like he was about to take flight. The dodgy looking stunt airbagwaiting to catch him after their choreographed fight did not inspire confidence.Accidents happened on set all the damn time.
“You got nowhere to go but down, Slick.”
Blake snorted.
He didn’t blame her, the guy had delivered with enough extracheese for a pan pizza.
“No wonder they need you to fix the dialogue.”