Page 63 of Love on the Byline
Wiping her eyes, she smiled. “We did. We were a good team,”she added softly.
Suddenly, they were only two people on the patio. He wascaught in her gaze again, lost in the teasing light he saw there.
He ducked his head, forcing his attention back to the script.“Bran, when, uh, when did you say you needed to get back to them about thisproject?” When Bran didn’t answer, Ollie looked up to find his best friend’seyes on him. “What?”
“Nothing.” His gaze flitted over to Blake as she went overher notes. “Before the 15th.”
Ollie frowned. What? He mouthed.
Bran shook his head.
“So, Bran,” she began. “I’m happy to hang and observe, butI’d like to carve out some time to ask you some real questions.”
“Right, but uh…I can’t right now. I have a...thing.” He startedtowards the house.
Ollie narrowed his eyes. “You don’t have anything on yourschedule.”
“I planned to go for a drive.”
“What?” He stood, but Bran held out his hand.
“Nope, I’m going on my own.”
“Rory isn’t back yet,” he reminded him.
Bran waved him off. “I don’t need security to drive alongthe coast for an hour.”
“I could ride with you,” Blake offered.
“Nope, you stay. Enjoy yourself. Take a dip in the pool.”
While Ollie was tempted by the idea of alone time withBlake, he didn’t like Bran going out on his own.
“You should wait for Rory.”
“No one knows I’m down here, Ols. I’ll be fine. I’ll evenwear the hat and the sunglasses, the whole incognito special. I promise.”
Ollie couldn’t think of a valid argument. “Be careful.”
“Careful is my middle name.” Bran winked at him beforeturning to Blake. “We’ll pick this up later.”
She looked skeptical. “Okay, sure.”
“Take my car. My keys are on the island,” Ollie called afterhim.
After a moment of silence, he turned to her. “I guess it’sjust you and me.”
But Blake was frowning. “I... If you don’t mind, I’m goingto go do some work inside.”
“Oh.” He tried not to read too much into that. Of course,she had stuff to do.
So did he.
“Meet for lunch later?”
Blake rose to her feet. “That sounds great. See you in abit.” She gathered her things and walked down to the pool house.
He watched until she disappeared behind the door and let outthe sigh that had been building in his chest.