Page 74 of Love on the Byline
“Not with him, but yeah. I’m in the pool house And,yes, before you make a joke, it is nicer than my place.”
“That’s not hard.” She could hear the grin in his voice.“Enjoy your working vacation and stay safe. Let me know if he steps out of line.”
“Aww, you care.”
“Nope,” Gideon replied. “If he tried anything, and you gotarrested for breaking his nose, I’d have to fill out a shit ton of paperwork.”
Blake had been sequestered in the pool house when Olliereturned from his outing. He tried not to read too much into that, nor into thesmug grin that Bran had thrown his way before taking off for his evening run.
“Take your phone with you,” he yelled after him.
Bran waved the device in the air in response, before pocketingit.
Ollie had been about to go down and knock on Blake’s doorwhen a call came through from Noelia.
“Hey. Bran’s not here.”
She paused before saying carefully, “I need you to usebetter words, Oliver Benjamin.”
“Hello, Noelia. How are you?” he asked, speaking with deliberatecare. “If you’re looking for Bran, he went for a run on the beach. His car isparked at the house in Malibu, and we are still holed up in La Jolla. Asplanned.”
He could feel her relief through the phone. “Next time,please lead with that. What’s up with the reporter? Has she been down thereyet?”
“She has. In fact, Blake is staying here.”
“Alright, before I react to your words, I’m going to giveyou a chance to elaborate.”
“Did you know we all went to school together? Bran, Blakeand me?”
“I…did not know that, no.” She sighed. “Do I need to worry?”
“I’m assuming there’s some sort of…relationship drama? WithBlake and Brandon? Or you and Blake? Or...?”
“God, no. Nothing like that,” he rushed to tell her. “Notthen, and not now. Everything’s been completely professional. We’ve reminisceda little, but mostly she’s asked about his work, my role, his upcomingprojects. That sort of thing.”
“I see.” She was quiet for some time. “Well, I was callingbecause there’s an event tomorrow night that I think Brandon should attend.”
Ollie put her on speaker and opened his calendar. “Where andwhen?”
“Seven o’clock at the Beverly Wilshire.”
“I’ll make the arrangements. What’s it for?” He texted Roryto give him a heads-up that they would need him.
“Azure Studios is celebrating its newest indie darling.Rumor has it, they’re in talks with Sam Newman about his debut.”
“Really? I thought he’d signed with Sterling.” He typed inthe appointment and began firing off instructions for Bran’s stylist anddriver.
“Not a done deal, apparently,” Noelia said. “And I can’tguarantee it, but I would be surprised if Tiersen doesn’t attend.
“You think so?” Bran had been trying to set up a meetingwith Mikkel Tiersen for months, hoping to set up an audition for an epic dramahe was rumored to be casting.
“It’s highly probable, but try to manage Brandon’sexpectations.”
“That I can do,” he replied, mentally crossing all of hisfingers and toes that tomorrow night would set things back on track.