Page 9 of Love on the Byline
Gideon sat back. “Oh. Right. But still, Cody stole the film.He only had a few scenes, and one memorable line, but it was enough. Rumor hasit, they’re looking to build an entire franchise around his character. He’s gotendorsement deals out the wazoo.”
“The wazoo?” She laughed.
“Mi abuelo used to say that all the time,” he replied,shrugging. “It’s what you get when you learn English from watching mid-century,American sitcoms.”
“So, Cody has a bad rep he needs to clean up?” At Gideon’snod, Blake continued.
“The last woman he was linked to, a former co-star, isengaged to the actor who played Thor.” Gideon said, leaning forward. “And guesshow she met her beloved?”
“The Velvet Rope Dating app?” At Gid’s headshake, Blakefrowned. “I assume you’re going to tell me?”
“On set. And he was engaged to someone else at the time.”
Blake exhaled, unable to hide her disgust. “Hollywood is sotoxic.”
“Indeed. So, if Cody is stepping out with a woman engaged tosomeone else...”
“Right.” She wasn’t a fan of delving into people’s personallives. After all, who knew what was going on behind closed doors? From whatshe’d seen since moving to L.A., relationships—real ones, anyway—were as rareas unicorns. Honestly, it was like being back in college. People were eitherlooking to hook up or gossiping about who was hooking up, with the added bonus of everyone chasing fame at any cost.
“This seems pretty shady to me,” she said.
Gideon rubbed his hands together. “Oh, it gets better.Cody’s people claim the guy in the more…illicit photos we got ahold of isn’thim.”
“And you think they’re telling the truth?”
“I spoke to his publicist directly,” he informed her.“Noelia Mokeyane doesn’t fuck around. We’ve agreed tosit on Codygate in exchange for an exclusive, in-depth exposé on the manhimself.”
He grinned. “Awesome name, right?”
“Sometimes, I think you’re twelve.”
Gideon’s grin widened as he picked up his phone. “Onlysometimes? Okay, I’m texting you the address. Shadow Cody while he goes abouthis business. Home, work, whatever access they allow for as long as they allow it.”
“You mean shadow him, like, on set?” This time, she didn’tneed to fake her interest. She hadn’t had the opportunity to visit a studio lot yet, and it was on her bucket list.
“Wherever he goes, you’ll go. Within reason,” Gideon added.“His agent is desperate to clean up Cody’s rep. The Sky franchise isskittish when it comes to image, and something like this might make them drophim all together.”
“If it’s true.”
“What is truth? You’ll write what you see. Get to know theman behind the rumors. Are you in?”
“Okay, yeah.” Blake made some mental calculations. It was alot of fuel, not to mention meals out. She supposed she could pack somePB&J sandwiches and stock up on trail mix.
“What’s that face? I thought this would be good for you.”
“No, no. I’m grateful, really,” she rushed to assure him.“It all sounds…intriguing, but also expensive.”
“Ah, right.” Gideon opened a drawer and took out his wallet,pulling out a credit card and sliding it over, along with a wad of bills.
“Here’s five hundred cash. Don’t go crazy with the card, butget what you need,” he instructed.
“What if I need something snazzy to wear to one of hisevents?”
“Just keep track of your expenses.”
“Thanks. I will, of course.” Blake slipped both the card andthe cash into her bag and rose to leave.