Page 102 of The Followers
He reached in his pocket and pulled out his key ring, holding it by one small gold key.
“You had it with you?” Part of her wanted to know why he hadn’t given it to Rasband right away, but then she thought about what Scott had been willing to do to keep her and Chloe safe.
“Give it to me,” she said, holding out her hand. “And go.”
The sound of an engine pulling down the driveway distracted both of them, and Molly looked out the window to see the Westfalia coming toward the garage. Jeremiah and Liv jumped out, rushing toward the kitchen. Chloe noticed them, too, and wiggled out of Scott’s arms and raced out the back door. It banged shut as she launched herself into Jeremiah’s arms. Liv, outside on the driveway, caught Molly’s eye, and Molly motioned to her to wait.
She turned back to Scott, forcing herself to focus.
“Ella’s in the camper, right?” she said, and Scott nodded. “Then go. Right now.”
He shook his head, resolute. “I’m not going anywhere without you again. Come with me. You and Chloe.”
Molly paused as she considered what that would mean. Living like Scott, off the grid, disconnected from the world. She’d have to give up everything that made her who she was.
“I can’t,” she said.
“Then I’ll stay.” He took a step closer, bringing his hand to her cheek, his eyes full of regret, his touch tentative. “Unless you can’t forgive me. If that’s the case, I’ll go.”
She looked at him, this man she loved with her whole being, and she could see everything that had happened between them. Their first kiss during the river rafting trip. Opening her front door in Denver to find him standing there. Watching him kneel in front of her, asking her to marry him.
But then: his all-too-convincing lies after she found the birth certificates. His voice, angry and distrusting, when he found her in the Westfalia. His iron grip on her arm as he pulled her away from Liv’s apartment. The layers of deception he had built around himself.
Molly wanted to believe that if he told the truth to the police and the FBI, they would understand. But he had stolen nearly $200,000 from a charity; he’d taken his daughter and changed his name and evaded law enforcement for years. There was no way he would be exonerated, even if Jeremiah came forward. And doing so would destroy Jeremiah’s life, too.
But if Molly ran with Scott, she’d have to leave everything behind, never see her friends or family again, and spend the rest of her life looking over her shoulder.
None of those options were acceptable, and she stiffened, paralyzed with indecision.
“Molly girl,” Scott said, his eyes pleading. “I can’t—” His voice broke. “I can’t leave you again.”
He was wavering, and with that realization, her decision was made. Scott could not stay here one minute longer.
“I’m sorry,” she said, and the words tore her apart. “But I can’t forgive you.”
His eyes closed briefly, but he didn’t say another word, just turned and walked out the kitchen door to the driveway. Jeremiah and Liv were waiting next to the Westfalia, their faces pale in the darkness. They watched, open-mouthed, as Scott headed to the driver’s side of the camper.
“Wait,” Liv said. “You’ll get caught in no time if you’re driving that.”
“I’ll ditch it somewhere, get a new car,” Scott said. They kept their voices low, and Molly hoped none of this would wake the neighbors.
“That’ll slow you down,” Jeremiah said. “Take my Jeep. Take it with Ella and go.”
Swiftly, Scott and Jeremiah loaded Scott and Ella’s bags and supplies into the back of the Jeep. Molly watched silently, arms folded, holding herself together. Scott placed a sleepy Ella in the backseat, covering her with a blanket, where Hoopi waited obediently.
As he stood, he caught Molly’s eye. “I love you,” he said. “I love you, Molly.”
“Just go,” she whispered. She stayed there, frozen, her eyes brimming with tears, as he drove away.
Jeremiah and Liv got in the Westfalia and drove off in the opposite direction.
Molly watched them leave, one hand holding Chloe’s and the other resting on Bitsy’s head. In the distance, she heard sirens.
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