Page 5 of Escape the Reaper
I felt a tiny flutter of panic in my chest at my lack of air. Not because I feared dying, but because I didn’t want to die before I killed them first.
Focus, Maura!
I slammed my elbow down on his forearms, making his arms bend at his elbows, and his hold loosened enough for me to twist sideways. Holding onto one of his forearms to keep him close, I rammed my elbow into his face. I got him in the mouth, making his head jerk back.
I got the open cuff around my knuckles again and punched him in the ribs. He released me. I sucked in delicious air as my legs gave out and I slid down the wall to the floor. Knowing I didn’t have a moment to lose, I reached for the gun I had dropped.
My fingers barely brushed the cool metal when I was yanked back by my hair again. This time it was Buck. He pulled me to my feet and punched me in my stomach. He didn’t release his hold on me as I tried to hunch over, gasping. Next thing I knew, I was being dragged into the living room. I lost my footing. His death grip on my hair kept me from falling. I yelled out at the fiery pain that seared my scalp.
With what seemed like all his strength, he tossed me forward. I collided with the dining table and rolled on top of its flat surface. I thought I might fall off the other side, but Buck grasped my right calf just in time.
He pulled me toward him, sliding my body across the table until my butt reached the edge. He stepped between my legs as I sat up. I shoved at him, smacked him, all while trying to scoot away. He was able to capture my wrists in one of his hands before he backhanded me with his other. I fell back on the table. Despite the dizziness and pain, I tried to sit up again. Hands clamped onto my shoulder and throat, pinning me down. I looked up to see that it was the other Aryan. I thrashed, trying to get free to no avail as the two of them held me down, the table wobbling and creaking beneath us.
“Fuck!” Buck roared as blood dripped out of his nose and off his chin. “I’m gonna kill you!” He slammed his fist into my ribs, forcing from me a strangled, choppy sound.
“I’m going tofuckingkill you!” He was so livid every part of him was shaking, even his voice. He grabbed at the top of my jeans frantically. “I’m gonna make you pay first. You’ll see.” The button on my jeans went flying off as he tore them open. “I’m gonna break you. I’m gonna make you beg me to kill you.”
I stopped struggling as he tried to strip me from the waist down. He let out a frustrated growl when my pants got stuck at my shoes.
I chuckled. “You think you raping me will break me?” My chuckling turned into full-on laughter and I found that I couldn’t stop. I felt downright manic, maybe even crazed.
“Shut up!” Buck yanked one of my shoes off with more effort than it should have taken and tossed it across the room, almost hitting Amelia, who I had just noticed was sitting on the farthest corner of the couch. She clutched her baby as she watched us with wide eyes.
Buck pulled my jeans and underwear completely off one of my legs before grabbing my hips and flipping me onto my stomach. The other Aryan had to let me go, but didn’t move from where he was standing.
Still laughing, I pushed up on my hands.
Buck grabbed me by my hair yet again, jerking my head back, and my eyes met hazel depths that were nowhere near as beautiful as Jamie’s. I saw nothing but loathing and rage in them as the lackey stared back at me.Good.I hoped they still showed those feelings when I plucked them from his head later.
“Stop laughing!” Buck snarled.
“Why?!” I roared back at him as I continued to stare at the other Aryan. My seriousness only lasted a few seconds before my shoulders started bouncing with laughter again. I wiggled my ass. “Come on, Buck. Show me what that tiny dick can do!” My mouth stretched into a crazed smile. “Show me how much of a man you are.”
“I said shut the fuck up!” Buck shoved my head down, laying me flat on the table again. His boot tried to kick my feet apart. “Spread your legs!”
I snorted. “Don’t you want me to feel it?”
He yanked me up again until my back was flush with his chest. The cold barrel of a gun pressed to my cheek before Buck said, “I’m gonna kill you.”
“What are you waiting for?” I snarled. When he didn’t answer, I thrashed against him, “Pull the trigger!” The hollow, cavernous part of my soul ached for him to do it, to finish what he’d started, to put me out of my fucking misery. “Pull it!”
He jammed the gun bruisingly against my cheek, but it was all for show.
I gritted out, “Just fucking do it! Because I won’t break.” Because he couldn’t break what was already broken.
For a moment, the only sound Buck made was panting. He pressed his lips to my ear. “We’ll see about that.” He shoved me back on the table. “Lift her shirt and hold her down,” I heard him order.
The other Aryan pulled my shirt up to my neck, then ripped the band of my bra open, exposing my back completely. He pinned me face-down on the table by the back of my neck. Buck pinned my lower half by leaning his pelvis against my bare ass. I heard the rattle of a belt being unbuckled and the whoosh of it being pulled from belt loops. “I can’t wait to hear you scream,” Buck said.
I wasn’t prepared for what felt like lightning lashing across my back, or the second time or the third. My whole body jerked each time beneath the Aryans who held me down. But I didn’t scream.
Buck paused and snapped his belt by my ear, making me jump a little. “That was just a taste, bitch. You’ll be screaming for me soon.”
Did he really think I’d give him the satisfaction?
He had already taken so much from me. So no. I would not give him my screams. I would gladly take on this pain—this torture—rather than give him anything. I reached out with both hands and grasped the edges of the table, bracing myself for what was to come. “Do your worst.”