Page 98 of Escape the Reaper
“I need heels.”
He just blinked at me with his resting bitch face. Then he went back into the bedroom. “Brenna?”
“Which ones should I get?” I heard Brenna ask him.
“Do I look like I know the answer to that question?” I heard Dean reply, making me smile in the mirror.
“You’re her best friend,” Brenna shot back, and I knew she was messing with him.
I went into the bedroom—one that I was temporarily storing my stuff in until my old bedroom was done being remodeled to be my, Jamie’s, and Louie’s new room. “I just need heels that will make me look fierce.”
Understanding, Brenna went into my closet and returned with a pair of yellow pumps, studded with black spikes.
“How do shoes that look like bumblebees make you look fierce?” Dean asked from where he stood next to Asher near the door.
“Grumpy, I let a lot of shit go, but never insult my shoes,” I said as seriously as I could.
Brenna snorted as she set my heels in front of me to step into.
Dean rolled his eyes.
“Are we ready?” I asked, and we headed downstairs.
Goons were already in the hall outside the chamber as we approached. Asher took his position and Dean walked ahead of me to open the door. As I entered, the room went quiet. “Sorry I’m late,” I told the men in the room as I walked to my chair, my heels clacking on the floor.
Brenna and Dean took their positions standing behind me as I sat in my chair, the heir’s chair. Leaning back, I stared across the table at my father. It felt good to see him there. It felt right. And where I was, both sitting and in life, was where I was supposed to be.
For now.
“Shall we begin?” I asked.
The end.
Want to read more by Ashley N. Rostek?
Check out her WITSEC series.
Turn to the next page to read the first few chapters of Find Me (Book 1)
My feet felt cemented to the floor as I stood frozen by fear.
“Shi, run!” Shayla cried out just before Mr. X slid his knife across her throat, silencing her forever.
Blood poured like a crimson waterfall from her neck. Her gray eyes were wide, filled with terror as they bored into mine.
I couldn’t move.
I couldn’t look away.
With each passing second, I had to watch the spark of life within her eyes dim.
Mr. X unhooked his strong arm from around Shayla’s middle and shoved her forward. Without resistance she fell, crumpling to the floor in the hallway right in front of my bedroom. Blood pooled around her, seeping into the beige carpet, and staining the ends of her cotton candy pink hair a bright red.
My heart raced at a painful rate, booming in my ears with a rapidthump! thump! thump!
Internally, I begged myself,Move! Run! Do something because he’s coming!