Page 76 of Shatterproof
There’s no dialing down my squeak. “You havemultiplecolonies on your patio!?”
“Nononono,” she shakes her hands in a frantic fashion, “I just have the one here at home. Yorktown and Jamestown are the ones I deal with at work.”
I nod my understanding prior to playfully looking up at Slater, “And here I thought it was safest for us to eat at our place for other reasons.”
He warmly chuckles while Aviva carries on explaining her disappearance, “I took so long because I was jotting some additional reactions I forgot to write down earlier. See, I’ve begun to notice that the mornings in which we engage in sex, the bees have a different response to my presence than on the mornings when we don’t. I’ve been working on discovering a more cohesive correlation in hopes of finding information that could be of value to those in my field.”
“And I am more than happy to be doing my part in this experiment,” a waggling of Blu’s eyebrows precedes a swift pop to her backside.
Slater’s laughs get louder yet are abruptly interrupted by his other best friend’s significant other releasing a loud contemplative hum, “You know I’ve also made some observations about the two of you.” The yellow hue of her words matches that of her boyfriends. “You aren’t extremely physical for two peoplenewto a relationship nor does there seem to be any typical changes in your behavior as there should be whenhigh levels of endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and prolactin are being released.”
So that’s what “just friends” sounds like in scientific terminology.
“We’re just um…um…” my eyes swing up to Slater’s to wordlessly request a little assistance, “you know…”
His expression remains stoic.
Obnoxiously. Still.
“Taking things…kind of…slow?” When he doesn’t even attempt to aid in the justifying, I redirect my attention back to Aviva. “Transitioning from best friends to…a…non best friends situation-”
“We’re still best friends,” the man to my side unexpectedly insists.
Well, would you look at
“We’re just…taking our time with the whole thing.”
“Noted,” Aviva sweetly states, most likely mentally scribbling down the observation, “but remember that engaging in something as simple as a kiss can trigger the release of those powerful hormones and also have great neuro benefits too.”
“Hey, isn’t that why you put a hunk of butter in your coffee a few minutes ago?” Blu begins, words bouncing in a taunting fashion. “To help with brain shit? Maybe you should just kiss Arley more often.”
The glare he’s given from me is easily ignored due to Slater lowering his cup alongside his tone. “You don’t think I kiss my woman enough?”
“Iknowyou don’t kiss your woman enough,” he impishly pokes.
“You can’t actuallyknowthat,” I promptly defend.
Blu tips his head his snickering girlfriend’s direction. “Science says otherwise.”
“You’re wrong, Little Boy Blu.” Slater argues, arm sliding around my waist to emphasize his point. “I handle mine.”
“Oh yeah?” He torments further. “Thenprove it, Wahl.”
Thisis how we’re gonna have our first kiss?
A show and tell to a school yard bully I willsonot be letting have any more cake!
“With. Pleasure.”
I watch the two dark denim shaded words aggressively stab the air before refocusing on the man now pulling me closer.
Curling his grip possessively on my hip.