Page 112 of Strictly for Now
“It is,” I tell her. “It really is.”
“Oh honey.” She pulls me into her arms. “That’s all I want. To know you’re happy.”
For a second I tense. I’m not used to so much physical affection from my family. But again, that’s because I’m the one who’s run away from it. I will my body to relax and I hug her back as she sobs into my shoulder.
“I’d like to talk to you and Dad after the game,” I tell her. “With no cameras.”
“Of course there’ll be no cameras,” she says. “I’m putting my foot down. I’ve had enough of living my life on screen.”
“You’re not doing the reality show?”
She shakes her head. “No. And I’m hoping that once I talk to him, your father will see sense. They can use what they have, but I’m not doing this anymore.” She pats my cheek. “What is it that you want to talk to us about later?”
I take a deep breath. “I’ve met somebody.” There, I’ve said it. Now I can’t go back on it.
Not that I was planning to. But it’s good to have insurance.
“You have?” She looks genuinely excited. “Who is he? Somebody from New York?”
“Can I tell you later?” I ask her. “It’s just there’s so much to do, and Isabella’s waiting for you.”
She nods. “I hate waiting, but I’ll do it for you.” She pats my cheek. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thank you.” I open the door and she goes to walk out.
“Oh, Mackenzie?”
“Would you like me to send my hair and makeup people to you when we’re done? They’d be happy to work in here.”
“That’s really sweet of you but I’ll be fine.” I don’t have the time but also I won’t be on camera. I’ll be hiding in the staff box, away from it all. “I appreciate the offer though.”
“Anytime, honey.” She goes to walk away but can’t resist giving me one last hug. “Thank you for coming back to us. You don’t know how much it means to me.”
I make it til four o’clock before I finally cave and walk upstairs to the staff offices. It’s mayhem up there. Staff are everywhere, running with pieces of paper in their hands, shouting out for help. They see me and their eyes widen and they slow down just enough to wish me luck.
And I realize how important this game is to all of them. Not just because Wayne needs the money but because they love the team as much as I do. It’s David versus Goliath but we have sticks and pucks instead of slingshots and stones.
I knock on Mac’s door. She calls out to come in and when I push it open I see Wayne sitting in front of her.
He grins, looking genuinely happy to see me. I walk over and shake his hand then look at Mac, waiting to see the anxious expression she always gets when her family is around.
But it isn’t there. And I’m so pleased to see Wayne. It’s the first time he’s been to the stadium since his surgery.
“How are you?” I ask.
“I’m good.” He lifts his brows at the walker next to him. “Ready to not be using this thing, but the nurse insisted.” He shrugs. “She’s around somewhere.”
“She’s gone to check out your seating arrangements for this evening,” Mac says. “Remember?”
“I remember. I got a bad hip, I’m not senile,” he grumbles.
“Okay,” the nurse says, walking back in. “We’re good. There’s easy access to the rink side seats.”