Page 17 of Strictly for Now
She gives me the tightest of smiles. “Sure.”
I stand and go to leave, but then for some stupid reason I turn around at the last minute. “Oh, and by the way. If you need somebody to talk to, or if you’re feeling lonely while you’re in town, give me a shout.”
I regret it as soon as I say it, because I don’t have time and I don’t really want to.
Her smile disappears completely and I regret it even more. “I’ll be fine. But thank you.” As if to reiterate her point, she picks up a piece of paper from the desk and starts studying it like she’s got a pop quiz in ten minutes.
That’s when I realize she thinks I was hitting on her. And I wasn’t. I was trying to be nice. She’s alone in a new city and knows nobody. I feel kind of sorry for her.
I close the door shut behind me and stomp down the corridor. Now I’m the one in a pissy mood. And it doesn’t feel good.
“How’s your gramps?” Rachel asks me the following week. It’s so good to hear my best friend’s voice, even if it’s only on speaker phone. It makes me feel homesick for New York, though. I’d give anything to be sitting with her in a bar drinking cocktails right now.
It’s been a week since Gramps had surgery. Because he’s old they’re taking things very slow with his rehabilitation. I’ve been in to see him every day but he’s always extremely sleepy.
Dad hasn’t flown down yet. They’re in the middle of filming and Gramps doesn’t want a fuss. So it’s just me and his old friends visiting him right now.
“He’s doing well. They’re talking about moving him to the nursing home next week.”
If only the team’s finances were so resilient.
I’ve spent the last week combing through everything, with the help of the only staff member who seems to understand the filing system. Brian is nice, but he also quakes whenever I’m around.
He also quakes when anybody else is around. He’s just a quaker, I think.
From what I’ve discovered so far, there really is no money anywhere. Our season ticket sales are down from last year – which isn’t a surprise since the team played abysmally. I had hoped that having a former NHL player coaching might spark some interest, but the fact that Eli lost the pre-season put an end to that.
The stadium will be less than half full for the first game of the season. Which isn’t great for income but also isn’t great for team morale. I need to talk to Eli about it but I’ve been avoiding him for the last week.
Ever since he found me on the floor and was an asshole. Then did a 180 switch and offered to take me around town.
“And you? Have you settled in?” Rachel asks.
I’m staying in a serviced apartment. Warner Power has a contract with the chain and it’s weird because the room is exactly the same as the ones I’ve stayed in throughout the country. It’s like a Big Mac, but for rooms.
“I’m good.” I don’t tell her I miss having all my things around me. And the weekend was pretty miserable. I visited Gramps and then I drove to the mall, and wandered around aimlessly for an hour before calling it quits and heading home.
I’m used to eating out on my own. Being a consultant, I go where the work is and hotels are pretty much my best friend. But it feels wrong here. This isn’t a big anonymous city. It’s a small one and everybody seems to know each other.
There was one moment when I thought about taking Eli up on his offer to show me around.
And then I remembered what a bad idea that would be. Not just because he works for my client – and my grandad. But also because our talk in my office unnerved me. I’m used to being the one in control but he seems like he wants to fight me for it.
And both times so far I’ve lost.
“How are things in the office?” I ask her.
“Busy. We’re all bidding on new projects. Mark is getting twitchy because our billable hours have plummeted. Which anybody could have told him would happen since you aren’t here.”
“Mine would have plummeted, too. I didn’t have a project to book hours to.”
“You would’ve found one by now. You hate doing nothing. Anyway, enough about work. Tell me about the hot hockey guys.”
I laugh. “They’re all twenty years old.”