Page 34 of Strictly for Now
“I’m absolutely fine.” I tell him. “I just want you to connect with every pass you get.”
* * *
I’m already regretting agreeing to this date. I replied to all five messages after talking to Rachel. Two of them didn’t reply back – maybe I pissed them off that I didn’t respond right away – and two of them didn’t seem that interested in meeting up at all.
The fifth – Andrew Casinger – is a lawyer, working for a firm in the center of Morgantown. He’s suggested we meet up for dinner at a bar around the corner from his office.
I look at my watch then head into the bathroom to check that my hair and makeup are still okay. They are, which isn’t any surprise since it’s only twenty minutes since I did them, but still.
I’m nervous. And I’m also enjoying dressing up for once. It’s a strange combination.
It’s almost seven-thirty by the time I head down the stairs to the staff entrance. I hear talking in the locker room so I walk on by, but then I hear my name being called.
Goran jogs to catch up with me. “You look great,” he tells me. “I knew that red dress would work.”
I’d been trying to decide between this one and a little black dress when he came in with my coffee this morning. Since I’d promised Eli I’d make it clear to Goran that I wasn’t interested I didn’t think it would do any harm to tell him about my date and get some clothing advice at the same time.
And he was actually helpful. The red dress works better. It’s more casual which works for a mid-week date. It’s made of soft jersey and wraps around my body, tying at the side and then flaring down to my knees. I’ve teamed it with some strappy heels and for once I have my hair down.
“Thanks for your help with it.” I felt better once I got a second opinion, especially as Rachel wasn’t answering her phone.
“Any time.” He shifts his feet. “Ah, did you tell somebody where you’re going?”
My brows pinch. “I told you,” I say.
Goran shakes his head, and his golden hair shakes with him. “I mean where you’ll be. In case anything happens on your date.”
I’m still bemused. “In case what happens?”
“I don’t know.” He grimaces. “Eli just said that I should have asked.”
“Eli said you should ask me?” I blink. “Why?”
“He wants you to be safe.”
Color me confused. “How does Eli know about my date?”
“I told him.” Goran looks down at his sneakers. They’re the popular ones with the white soles that all the athletes are wearing. “Was that wrong?”
“No, it’s fine.” There’s a weird prickly feeling on my neck though. I reach back and touch it, half expecting it to be damp with sweat. I’m trying to decide if I’m annoyed he knows about the date or if I’m annoyed he hasn’t said anything about it.
I’m not sure which one is true.
“I’m going to Wine and Dine,” I say. Because actually he’s right. It’s a good idea that somebody knows where I’ll be. I should message Rachel, too. Goran’s a lovely kid but he could definitely forget if he doesn’t write it down.
“I know you are. But where will you be doing it?” he asks.
I laugh. “That’s the name of the place I’m going to. Wine and Dine on the corner of Laurel and Krepps.”
“Oh.” His eyes widen. “It’s a name and a description. Cool.”
“Yep. Let’s hope they make good food, too.” I give him a wave. “I should go before I’m late.” Who am I kidding, I’m already late. I don’t want to be the one sitting at the table waiting for my date to arrive. “Have a good evening.”
“You too.”
I’m almost at the door to the parking lot when I see Eli stalking down the hallway looking like a man on a mission. He’s wearing gray sweatpants and a Mavericks t-shirt that clings to his chest showing every ridge of muscle. His eyes catch mine and sweep down and I immediately blush because he’s looking at my dress. It’s tight, probably too tight, but I haven’t been on a date in months. Okay, years. And I wanted to feel good.