Page 46 of Strictly for Now
“Exactly. Nothing better than Saturday afternoon sex.”
I wrinkle my nose. I don’t need to know about their between the sheets activities. “Can you stop?”
“Nope. She’s too beautiful.” He has the grin of a man who’s made all the right choices in life. “And I’m gonna say something to you now, but you can’t tell Myles.”
“I hate secrets,” I remind him.
“It’s not a secret. I just don’t want him butting in. This is between us. Man to man.” He points at his chest then mine.
“You’d better hurry up then.” We watch as Myles swings the club high above his shoulder, then stops mid-movement. He takes a step back and inspects the grass. He’s slower than a snail in molasses. “Okay, scratch that,” I say, trying not to sigh. “Take your time.”
Liam’s face turns serious. He rolls his shoulders then looks me in the eye, clearing his throat. “There comes a moment in a man’s life when he has to stop messing around.” He frowns and shakes his head. “Actually no. When hewantsto stop messing around. When he meets the woman he knows he can’t live without. And I don’t know if this woman is it for you, or if it’ll be somebody else, but she’s out there. And you need to be ready.”
This might be the most bizarre conversation I’ve had with Liam to date. “Um, okay.”
“I mean it. If she’s it, don’t give up. You need to woo her until she’s yours.”
“What if she doesn’t want to be wooed?” I ask him, thinking about my conversation with Mackenzie the other night. “What if she doesn’t even want to go to dinner with you because she thinks it might cause problems with her job?”
Liam whistles again. Long and low. “Oh, that’s a Myles question.”
“Myles,” Liam calls out just as he swings again. His wedge hits the ball awkwardly, sending it flying out to the left, toward the trees.
“For fuck’s sake,” Myles shouts. “I’m sick of this game.”
“Tell you what,” Liam says. “Get back in here and we’ll pretend you hit it on the green.”
I look at him and Liam shrugs. Then we both smile because it’s actually nice to find something Myles isn’t good at.
“Eli’s girl works with him and isn’t sure it’s a good idea for them to date,” Liam says as Myles climbs in next to him. He doesn’t bother trying to find his errant ball.
Myles looks over his shoulder at me again. “Are you going to let that stop you?”
“Good.” Myles nods.
And it’s weird but also a relief to say it out loud. I know that she’s worried but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal if I take her out to dinner. Or do more. I’ll just run it past Wayne first, since it’s his team.
In fact, I’ll do it on the way home. Because I want this woman and I won’t let anything stop me.
I’ve spent my life competing in order to get what I want. If I have to compete with her job, I will.
“Now, can we finish this round so I can get the hell out of here?”
Gramps’ nursing home is really lovely. Fifty older residents are housed in a low-level sprawling building surrounded by lush gardens where they’re encouraged to either walk or be pushed around each day, admiring the late blooming pink coneflowers that are planted along the wheelchair friendly paths.
When I enter the lobby to sign in, I’m greeted by the receptionist, who knows me by name now. “Hey, Mackenzie,” she calls out. “Your grandpa’s in the sunroom.” She lifts a brow. “He’s in an excellent mood.”
“Has my dad called him today?” I ask her, trying to work out if he’s been told about Dad’s grand idea.
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Just a lucky guess.”