Page 73 of Strictly for Now
I’m beginning to understand why people follow teams. The high is very high. And I’m so excited to celebrate with Eli. I’m so damn proud of him. He’s worked hard with the players and he’s turning them into a winning unit. Something they can all be proud of.
It means a lot to him after being pushed out of the NHL due to his knee injury. One night in bed he told me he didn’t want to leave so early.
That he’s still pissed he didn’t get to retire when he wanted to.
My phone buzzes and I pull it out, expecting it to be another message from Rachel, who’s apparently following the game at home, while Googling for photos of Eli. She actually sent me a link to hockey porn, because she wasn’t lying, it really is a thing. I got a glimpse of a girl in her guy’s hockey uniform, knelt between his knees, before I realized what it was and quickly turned it off.
It still made me hot though. The thought of pleasing Eli while wearing his jersey.
Rachel must have tired herself out, because it’s from Eli, not from her.
Come meet us in the locker room. – Eli x
You sure? – Mackenzie x
Yes. All of you. The team wants to celebrate with everyone. – Eli x
So the staff and I squeeze into the elevator because Pam from accounts has a bad foot and we want to arrive together. As soon as the locker room door opens, I can smell sweat and pheromones. There’s shouting and laughing and it makes me smile.
“Brian!” Carter calls out. “Come over here and give us a hug.”
Brian smiles nervously but lets them envelop him as the team circles up and pulls him into their group.
They’re only half dressed. Some of them have had showers, some haven’t, but they all look jubilant. When the group hug breaks up Goran spots me and calls me over, enveloping me in a bare-chested bear hug. Then I get passed from player to player, squished in their brawny arms, before I end up face to face with Eli.
“Hi.” I smile at him. He’s grinning and I love how happy he looks. I want to throw my arms around him, let him lift me up against his chest.
But there would be too many questions. Ones I’m not ready to answer.
So I do something really stupid.
I hold my hand out for a handshake.
He looks at it, then back up at me, my hand dangling in mid air. There’s a tic in his cheek that’s moving in and out rapidly.
My chest tightens because I’ve messed up.
I hugged every single player but him. I should have hugged him. In fact I do, but it’s too late, he’s stiff in my arms. Does nothing to hug me back.
And I want to say sorry. I want to take it back. He’s just won the most important match of his career so far as a coach and I feel like I’ve ruined it.
Eli is completely ignoring me.
Right now he’s talking to Pam about the best way to ice her foot. Then he asks her about her new grandbaby and she gets out her phone to show him some photos.
And then he reciprocates, showing photos of his two year old nephew who’s apparently cute as a button.
He has a nephew? Why didn’t I know this? I can’t ask because Goran is trying to tell me about some beef he has with a player from the other side, plus the blood is rushing too fast past my ears.
“You’re coming out with us, right?” Goran asks. “To celebrate?”
“I ah…” I look for Eli to try to work out what he’s doing. But he’s still ignoring me. “I don’t know,” I say lamely.
“Yes, come,” Carter says. “I can impress you with my dance moves.”