Page 134 of That One Regret
“I hope you win,” she whispered.
“I hope I do too.”
The gifts started comingthe next day. A loud knock on the front door woke her up and when she got downstairs, there was a surly teenager on her doorstep.
He was holding a cardboard coffee cup and a bag. “Delivery from the diner. Coffee and pastries.”
“I didn’t know you did deliveries,” she said, smiling because the coffee smelled so good it was making her stomach dance with delight.
“We don’t,” he muttered. “But the guy paid triple and my boss made me do it.”
“Well thank you.” She took the delivery from him and smiled wider when she saw Michael’s name written on the cup. “I appreciate it.”
When she got into work, she sent Michael a quick message to say thank you. His reply came back less than a minute later.
This isn’t me fighting yet. I’m just warming up. Have a good day. – Michael x
At lunchtime she was in her office, working on a marketing plan for the international blend that G. Scott Carter Whiskey was famous for when she heard a tap on the door. Not looking up from her laptop, she called for whoever it was to come in, only to smell the delicious aroma of food wafting into her office.
“Miss Carter?” a voice asked.
She looked up to see one of the servers from her Uncle Logan’s restaurant walk in. “May I set up your room?” he asked her.
“For what?” she questioned.
He didn’t answer. Just put the tray he’d been carrying down and pulled his backpack off, taking out a white tablecloth, which he spread out on the empty corner of her desk.
“I’ll move my laptop,” she said hastily, pulling it away to give him more room. He laid out silverware, then placed a white porcelain plate between the knife and fork before grabbing the tray of food and slowly portioning it out.
“Grace Carter?” another voice asked.
“Um, yes.” She was still half-watching the server lay out the food on her desk. Ravioli in a light foaming sauce. There was a smaller plate of salad to the side.
“I have flowers for you.” The woman carried them in, placing a huge bouquet on the white tablecloth.
“Thank you,” Grace murmured. “I have some money somewhere for a tip.”
“Don’t worry, everything has been taken care of.” The florist winked at her. “Your guy is the best. You’re a lucky woman.”
Her guy. Weird how much she liked the sound of that.
“Please enjoy,” the server said. “Your lunch is served.”
“What’s going on here?” her mom walked in. “Hey Darren,” she said to the server. “Is that from Logan’s place?”
“Yep. Got the order in an hour ago.”
Grace’s mom lifted a brow. “I can guess who gave the order.”
“My lips are sealed.” Darren placed a bowl on the tablecloth. “This is your dessert. Black chocolate mousse with a cherry compote.”
“Thank you,” Grace said. “Has Michael tipped you, too?”
“Very well.” Darren smiled. “Enjoy your meal.”
He left with the florist, and Grace looked at her mom from her chair. “So this is happening.”