Page 141 of That One Regret
And Grace’s heart melted.
“He won’t.” Marley shook his head.
She opened her mouth to respond, but then Sabrina joined them. “Hey!” She threw her arms around Grace. “Have you heard from Michael?”
“His plane landed an hour ago. He should be here soon,” Grace told her.
“Thank God. You two can take the parental heat off me.” Sabrina let out a sigh.
“Why? What have you done?”
Sabrina widened her eyes. “Um, I might have stayed out all night.”
“Where were you?” Grace asked her. No wonder Mia and Cam were annoyed. Sabrina was their wild child, for sure.
“Just at a friend’s. I go back to college next week and we had a farewell party. It got late. I fell asleep.” Sabrina shrugged. “Mom and Dad need to chill.”
“Or maybe you could message them next time?” Grace suggested.
Presley passed her a bottle of beer right as she noticed movement from the corner of her eye. And thenhewas there.
Michael Devlin. Her Irish. Looking better than ever as he glanced around the crowd.
Then his eyes caught hers and it felt like everything was okay again. She exhaled and smiled and he smiled back. Without taking his eyes off of her, he stalked toward her and her heart hammered against her ribcage.
Maybe she should have played it cool, but she had no idea how to do that when it came to him. Instead she ran toward him, straight into his arms, smiling widely as he cupped her face with his hands and kissed her like he meant it.
Like it was the only thing he wanted in life.
And right now it was all she wanted, too.
“I missed you,” she breathed when they parted.
His eyes crinkled. “I missed you, too.”
“Then stop going away.”
He laughed. “I’ve got a few weeks before the next trip. And it’s only for two days.”
“Good.” She slid her arm around his waist. “Come see your mom. She’s missed you, too.”
“I will.” He kissed her temple. “But first I need to show you something.”
He pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it, then showed her the screen.
“That’s a horse.”
“My horse.”
Her mouth dropped open. “You bought a horse?”
“Yeah. I figured it’s the only way to keep up with you. Plus we have a ranch with stables, we need horses.”
She looked at the picture again. “How old is she?”
“Ten. Pretty docile but she sure can run.”