Page 37 of That One Regret
“Oh God.” Sabrina covered her face with her hands. “He had to take it to a detailer to get it cleaned properly yesterday. Mom wanted to know why and he made up something about stepping in some dog crap.”
Grace tried not to laugh. She could remember being Sabrina’s age. She’d never drunk too much, but she’d made other mistakes.
“He had to do it right away,” Sabrina continued. “Because he’s been taking mom to the hospital for her treatment.”
“He has?” Grace asked. She wanted to know more, but couldn’t find a way to ask. And anyway, what kind of friend was she to Sabrina if she used her to mine information about Michael?
Information she didn’t need because she shouldn’t be interested in him.
And yet, here she was. Interested.
“Yeah. Dad keeps telling him he doesn’t have to do it, but he says he wants to.” Sabrina sighed. “Anyway, enough about Michael. There’s another reason why I’m here.”
“There is?”
Sabrina nodded, her hair glinting under the strip lights in the kitchen. “Are you free Saturday night?”
“I think so.” Grace looked at her cousin. “Why?”
“Mom’s missing having company so I thought we’d have a spa evening at our place with the aunts. Nothing big, just a way to pamper her. Your mom said she’d come.”
“Is she well enough for that?” Grace asked, concerned.
“She says she is. I’ve made her promise not to lift a finger, though. I’ll do all the organizing, and your mom and the aunts are bringing the treatments.” Sabrina smiled at her. “It would be good to have you there.”
“Of course I’ll be there.” She’d always had a lot of time for her Aunt Mia. “What can I bring or do to help?”
“Could you come over early?” Sabrina asked, wrinkling her nose. “You can help me make sure everything’s ready.”
“I’d love to,” Grace agreed. At least this was something to look forward to. Something to concentrate on other than Michael and his stupidly handsome face.
“Thank you.” Sabrina grinned at her. “You’re a star.”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
“I would,” Sabrina told her. “I’m so glad you came home. Hartson’s Creek is much better now that you’re here.”
* * *
“Everything okay?” Cam asked, rapping his knuckles lightly on Michael’s door.
“Uh, yeah. Just finishing a couple of emails.” Michael blinked as he pulled his gaze away from his computer screen. “What time is it?”
“Seven. I’m heading into town. You coming too?”
Michael glanced at his watch. “I thought we’re meeting at eight.” He needed to take a shower. Change his clothes. He hadn’t noticed the time passing, mostly because he’d fallen behind on work all week. Thank god he had the weekends to catch up.
Cam had told him about the plans to meet with his brothers at the Moonlight Bar earlier. An excuse to escape the house while the girls did their spa stuff. He probably should stay and work, but he knew Grace would be here.
He didn’t want to risk a repeat of their almost-kiss in her laundry room.
“We are. I’m gonna grab a bite to eat in the diner. Sabrina and Grace have kind of occupied the kitchen.”
Pushing his laptop screen down, he tried not to think about all the things he needed to get done by Monday morning. He had tomorrow. It would be fine. “I’ll jump in the shower and follow you over in a while.”
“I can wait,” Cam said.
“It’s fine. Go grab some food.” He smiled at Cam.