Page 40 of That One Regret
“Dad says the same.” Presley said, grinning. “Three boys and a head full of gray hair. And it’s only getting worse now that we have Delilah to contend with.”
“Gray has gone gray,” Logan murmured. “I feel for him.”
Michael laughed, because Gray Hartson still had it. All the Hartson brothers did.
“There are some good things about having girls,” Daniel said. “Anyway, Grace has never caused us any bother.”
Michael swallowed and looked back to Logan. “Sabrina’s fine. We don’t need to bother Cam or Mom about it.”
Logan nodded. “I’m glad you’re back. And I appreciate all you’re doing to make things easier for Cam and Mia.”
“I owe them a lot.” Michael shrugged. There was a loud cheer from the pool table.
“Looks like I’m on,” Presley said. “Want to come play?” he asked Michael.
At twenty-eight, Presley and Marley were the cousins closest in age to him. But they still felt young.
Like Grace.
He blinked that thought away. Weird how she somehow felt older than them all. More grown up and responsible.
But she isn’t.
“A game sounds good.” Michael nodded. “Count me in.”
“Cool. Winner stays on, so you’ll be up after me.”
While he was waiting, Michael wandered to the back of the bar, heading to the bathroom to splash his face with water. It was hot in the bar, just like it was hot outside, and he felt sweaty. He’d forgotten just how humid West Virginia could be in the summer. He headed down the long, dark hallway that led to the men’s room, only stopping when he heard the low rumble of laughter and talking.
“Shut up. It’s all good. She’s warming up to me.”
“She’s a fucking ice queen. Remember prom? You were the only one who didn’t get any. You gotta bat at your level, man, and she’s somewhere in the stratosphere.”
“Doesn’t matter. She’ll be calling me tomorrow morning.”
Was that Ethan talking? It sure sounded like him. Michael rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the dampness of sweat on his skin.
“You sound pretty certain,” the other guy said.
There was a pause. Then a chuckle. “I might have loosened the shoe on her horse. It’ll look hurt. She won’t be going anywhere without calling me first.”
“And then what? You ride in like a knight in shining fucking armor?”
“Something like that. She’ll be putty in my hands by Saturday night. Every girl likes a guy who’s good with animals.”
“You mean pussy in your hands. She’s gonna be pissed when she finds out you hurt her horse to get it, though.”
“Loosening a shoe doesn’t hurt a horse,” Ethan replied. “And anyway, Grace doesn’t have to know I did it.”
Jesus Christ, these were kids dressing in men’s clothes. Did Mason know what an asshole his friend was? Gritting his teeth, Michael stomped down the hallway, seeing Ethan and his friend standing by the back door that led to the lot where all the trash bins were kept. They were smoking something. Whatever it was, it smelled illegal.
He was going to ignore them, get into the bathroom, splash water on his face, and get out. Then he’d ask Logan to check Grace’s horse in the morning. No need to get involved.
But then Ethan turned and caught Michael’s eye. Instead of looking embarrassed, he smirked.
“What are you looking at?” Ethan asked. His words slurred, like he was trying too hard to annunciate them.
Michael shook his head. “You shouldn’t talk about women like that.”