Page 65 of That One Regret
“Why would you want that?” Marley wrinkled his nose. “It’s hot as hell in New York.”
“It’s hot as hell here,” Sabrina pointed out. “But at least there’s something going on there.”
“You don’t have to stay here if you hate it,” Mason told her. “I’ll pack your bags for you if you like.”
Sabrina stuck her tongue out at her brother, and he made a face back at her. And while they carried on bickering, Grace turned to see if she could see Michael again.
Rhona was still next to him, flicking her hair and laughing at something he said. She really was pretty and somehow that made Grace feel worse.
“Mom’s set Michael up tonight,” Sabrina whispered in her ear, following her gaze.
Ugh. Caught in the act. “She has? With who?” Grace feigned surprise and luckily Sabrina fell for it.
“The nurse who’s been looking after her during her treatment.”
She was one of Mia’s nurses? Grace felt bad for the way she’d been thinking about the woman.
And her jealousy quadrupled. So she was pretty and caring and she and Mia had a bond.
She looked again. The setting sun caught the woman’s hair, turning the blonde into a warm red. She smiled and Michael smiled back, and Grace felt dizzy.
“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” Sabrina whispered. “Should I go talk to her? She could end up being my sister-in-law.”
“If you’d like.” Grace’s words were short. Sabrina shot her a confused look.
“Ah, I’ll leave them to it. So, what are your plans in New York?” Sabrina asked, her brows still pinched. “Are you going to a club? Shopping? Hey, if you go to Ronnie’s Deli, you need to pick me up some cannolis. Those things are to die for.”
There was a peal of laughter, and Grace knew exactly where it was coming from. She couldn’t help it. She had to look.
The nurse had her hand on his chest and was smiling up at him. Grace stared so hard it must have bore heat into Michael’s stupid brain because he finally turned to look at her.
She widened her eyes at him, suddenly furious. She’d told him the woman couldn’t touch him.
She blew out a mouthful of air. She needed to calm down. She was being stupid.
“So do you think you’ll go?” Sabrina asked.
“Where?” Grace blinked. She had to pull her gaze away from Michael and the nurse, but the jealousy remained.
“To Ronnie’s.”
“I don’t think so, hon.” She shook her head. Her cheeks were flaming now. “Listen, I think I’m gonna grab a soda. You want anything?”
“A cannoli from Ronnie’s,” Sabrina said pointedly.
“I know. I’m just bored, you know?”
“Only a couple of months and you’ll be going back to college,” Grace told her. “You just gotta get through it.”
“Come to the drive-in with me next week then,” Sabrina asked, smiling at Grace. “They’re showing horror movies. Should be fun.”
“I’ll come with you,” Mason said. “I love it when you’re scared.”
“You’re not invited.” Sabrina rolled her eyes at him. “Girls only.”
Their argument started up again and this time Grace couldn’t stand sitting here. She needed to get up. Stretching her arms, she walked over to the drinks table and grabbed a can of soda from the ice bucket.