Page 91 of That One Regret
“They said I have to go?” Grace grimaced.
“They said a responsible adult.” Sabrina shook her head. “It’s stupid. Do you know that in Europe you can drink alcohol when you’re eighteen?”
“I was aware of that fact, yes.” Grace tried to hide her amusement. “But we’re not in Europe, we’re in America, and you have to be twenty-one to go to a bar.”
“Unless my very favorite cousin is with me.” Sabrina batted her eyelashes at Grace. “Please come?”
She needed to get out and do something. She was meeting her mom early on Saturday for a ride, but apart from that, she had nothing planned for the weekend.
“Okay. But you have to promise me to be good.”
“I promise,” Sabrina said solemnly, but there was a twinkle in her eye. “I owe you one.”
“You owe me about a thousand, but we’ll call it even.”
Sabrina threw her arms around Grace. “I love you. You’re the best.”
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” Sabrina said.
“Oh no, I’ll pick you up.” Sabrina’s driving was famously bad. “I want to come see your mom, anyway. Check on how she’s doing.”
“She’d like that. She loves seeing you. And she’s been a little down this week with Michael not being here.”
“Is he not?” Grace feigned surprise, because this was her life now. A pretence. “Where is he?”
“He had to go to London. Some kind of business thing. She’s pretending she’s okay, but she’s missing him.”
Grace nodded. Yeah, she knew what that was like. She’d been missing him all week as well.
Her phone buzzed, and she looked down. A message from M.D. Quickly, she turned off the screen.
“I should go,” Sabrina said. “I just wanted to ask you in person because you’d be less likely to say no.”
“You’re so devious.” Grace grinned.
“I know. See you on Saturday.” Sabrina winked and walked back out, a spring in her step from getting what she wanted.
Grace couldn’t help but like her. She was fun and lighthearted. And Michael’s sister.
Would she still love Grace when she found out the truth?
Opening her phone up, she looked at the message.
Tu me manques. – Michael x
She ran her tongue over her lip. He missed her. But the literal translation wasyou make me miss you.It was sweet and romantic.
I miss you too. – Grace xx
She’d only just sent the message when her phone rang. “Hey,” she said, accepting the call.
“Can you talk?” he asked.
“Yeah. I’m alone in the office. You just missed Sabrina, though.”
It was stupid how happy she felt just to hear his voice.