Page 9 of Cloak of Red
“I’ve heard the bureau’s mantra is it’s where the bureau needs you, not what you want. It’s not a personal thing.” I’m being conversational, but her pointy chin juts out in classic defiance. Or maybe it’s disagreement. “Disagree?”
She lets out a long, exhaustive sigh. Then she joins me on the sofa, squeezing onto the end of the sofa just beyond my feet.
“I suspect my dad had me assigned to desk duty. My guess is he probably pulled strings to have you assigned to this case. If I think about it too much… I have worked damn hard and—”
“Hey. To my knowledge, your dad had nothing to do with this. Bauer, our boss, knew our history and wanted to capitalize. I just came off another op. I can’t speak to what happened in the FBI, but Bauer shared his logic in this assignment. Your dad didn’t factor in.” She stares at me, mistrust seeping out of those cerulean baby blues. The mistrust isn’t deserved. I protected her for seven years. “You know, every person reaches a point in time where they realize the world doesn’t revolve around them. This could very well be your time.” I pause, studying her while she averts her gaze. She’s difficult to read. I’m not sure she’s listening, but I speak anyway, because that’s how I am with teammates. “And I’m going to throw this out there too. Maybe your dad didn’t influence your bosses at the FBI. When he agreed to end your detail after graduation, he’d gotten his head around the fact that you were on your own. He was damn proud of you, too. It’s possible your bosses simply had more openings on the AI side. Or they saw you have a strength they want to capitalize on. Or maybe they’re overstaffed on the field side. Your dad calling HR and placing a request isn’t one of the more likely scenarios. No matter how powerful you may think he is.”
All those years watching over the Sullivan household, I never imagined Sophia was growing up with this kind of egocentric view of the world. She worked her tail off. At school, on the range, in the gym. Jack was proud that despite his wealth he didn’t raise a kid who expected everything to be handed to her.
Over the years, Jack and I built a friendship. We didn’t serve together, but the man’s like a brother. Jack wouldn’t interfere in her career. And she sure as hell can’t blame him if she doesn’t get the exact assignments she wants.
I get off the sofa and open the hall closet, searching for the linens for the sofa. There aren’t any on the shelf, so I search for the phone.
“What’re you looking for?”
“Phone to call the front desk. Want them to come up and get the sofa bed ready.”
“You can’t let them do that.”
“There are no linens.”
“It’ll be too weird for a married couple. And word could get to the Toros.”
“I don’t think the Toros are going to be chatting it up with housekeeping.”
“You never know. It’s possible. It’s an unnecessary risk.”
“Fine.” She’s green. She’s playing by the rules. I go back to the closet, pull down a blanket that’s folded on the top shelf, stalk into the bedroom and grab two of the six pillows on the California king size bed, and return to the den. “Get up. I’m ready to call it a day.”
My day starts early with a grueling workout and ends early whenever possible.
“Um, there is one more thing.” She pushes off the sofa, and she runs her thumbnail over the pad of her index finger. I’ve seen her do that before. Nervousness? Was I right?
“Should we…um, you know, practice?” I stare at the scattering of freckles across her high cheekbones. Why didn’t I notice them earlier? “You know, being together? So it comes across as natural tomorrow?”
“Being together?” I repeat the question. What the hell is she getting at? It’s not like we’re going to be fucking in front of the Toros.
“Um, like kissing or touching? I mean, it might be…unless you want to go with the unhappily married angle. That could work as a bonding point for me and Gemma. And since Rafael is on his fourth marriage, it could work for you to bond with him, too.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. “I don’t think the state of our marriage is going to come up in casual conversation.”
“Right, but if we look like we’ve never kissed before then they’re going to pick up on it. Even if it’s just subconsciously. I mean, I’ve been over the photos and videos we have of them, and Gemma and Rafael are affectionate. It’s going to be awkward if we’re around them and don’t even touch each other.”
“Sophia.” I wait until her gaze rises from the floor and falls in the general vicinity of my face. “Kissing won’t be awkward. Trust me.” Her creamy, pale skin flushes, and another thought occurs to me. She didn’t date much in college. None in high school. I would’ve known, because we would’ve conducted background checks. Is she inexperienced?
She’s twenty-five. She can’t be. But this is an awkward situation. Her first operation. I should do whatever I can to help her succeed.
“Sophia…would you feel better if we practiced?”
The silky sable crew neck sweater pulls tight across what I imagine is a rock-hard, sinewy chest. Every time I gaze into those steel-blue eyes, I hear Lauren’s teen voice calling him god-like gorgeous. And the worst part is, with his longer hair that curls slightly on the ends, and that burly, dark chocolate beard, he’s even hotter. It’s distracting, yes, but not nearly as maddening as the smirk playing out on those all-too familiar stern lips.
Gah. This is weird. He’s my dad’s friend. He worked for us forever. And now I’m supposed to act like I’m his wife and it’s natural for me to touch him. My suggestion is a good one, but he’s making it strange.
And yes, I am nervous. My stomach hasn’t been settled since LAX. It’s my first operation. I want it to be a success. I need for this operation, which he and Bauer refer to as simple, to be a success.