Page 19 of A Touch of Sapphire
“I think you might be the first person who hasn’t insisted I’ll be fine. Everyone else acts like I should just get on with my life because death is normal. Caroline was twenty-two. Hell, she’d never even had a serious boyfriend or even dated much. She spent her entire life going to school and working, so she could buy this place.” I shake my head, looking around the dusty old store. “My brother and I combined our life’s savings to help her get the loan. Now she’s dead,” I scoff because it’s honestly bullshit. Life is so fucking unfair.
Sapphire rests her hand on my shoulder, looking up at me. She looks sad, but not just for me. She’s got sadness following her like a dark cloud. Just like I do.
“No one can tell you how to grieve. I don’t think anyone ever gets over the death of a loved one, we just learn how to keep going.” She looks down at her feet, and I get the sense she knows how it feels to lose someone she loved too.
“It seems so hard to believe. One moment my sister was here, and the next, she’s nothing but a memory,” I sigh, letting the pain overtake me for a few moments, and then close the door on the memories. “You should get going. It’s been a long day for us both. I’ll be back tomorrow morning at seven.”
“I’ll see you then, Elijah.” Sapphire waves goodbye, before slipping out the front door. I look up at the ceiling again, shaking my head. “Sending a blue-haired woman will not make up for you leaving me behind,” I whisper to my sister, wishing I wasn’t just speaking to her memory. “But I suppose it’s a start...”
“Morning,” I say, as I walk into the back room of the bookstore.
“Good morning, Sapphire.” Elijah smiles, and I have to look away. He’s so attractive, and the last thing I need to be doing right now is developing a crush on my new boss.
I spend the next few hours cleaning, organizing, and cataloging. By mid-morning, I’m already tired. It feels good to do a job that feels like it matters. It matters to Elijah. It mattered to his sister.
“You should take a break,” Elijah calls through his office door, but I shake my head. I have no cash on me, and all I brought with me today was a water bottle. When I get tired, I just sit down and sip my water for a few moments here and there. I don’t want to lose momentum.
At some point, I guess I’ll need to ask him about how much he’s going to pay me, and how often, but for now I’m happy just keeping myself busy. Anton’s grandmother left me more than enough money to get by on.
I end up zoning out as I clean, and of course, find a few books I want. I’ll just stash those away for my next trip to the local bank. Withdrawing money from the trust is rather easy, and the lawyer assured me that the owner would be discreet. The paper trail would lead back to the trust, and never to my name.
“Fuck,” I hear Elijah curse, just a few seconds before coming around the corner, as he stares at his phone screen. “Listen, I need to go handle something. I hate to do this to you, but I need to close early today. I’ll still pay you for a full day. Fuck, which reminds me we haven’t even discussed pay. Uh, can you meet me here again tomorrow, nine in the morning?” He seems flustered, so I agree, and grab my stuff.
I suppose now would be a good time to go pull out some cash. Maybe I’ll go see the twins afterward.
The walk to the bank is a quick one, and once I’m done, finding the coffee shop is a breeze. I mentally note all the little shops I want to come back to on another day and head straight for the bubbly man I can see on the other side of the coffee shop window. Jer is somewhere between a ray of sunshine and an energetic puppy. His presence makes you smile, even if you try to resist.
“Sapphire!” Jer pulls me into one of his usual bear hugs, making me laugh as I step through the door. “Sit! I’ll grab you a special drink.” He winks, and I can’t hold in my laugh. He makes my heart feel lighter. My worries seem so much less…worrisome.
“Daphne! Mix me up a latte, one of your specials!” Jer shouts at the woman behind the counter. She doesn’t even blink at her boss’s nonsense. It’s nice to see people who accept him as he is. Daphne is a beautiful woman, whose aesthetic can only be described as gothic. Black clothes from head to toe, dark makeup, and a black veil pulled over her face.
Five minutes later, he’s handing me a mug of deliciousness, and I realize she’s wearing some seriously high, platform boots. “Mm, okay, yeah, this is amazing,” I tell her, as I hold the mug with both hands and keep it just under my nose, so I can sniff it. “What’s in this?” I ask, needing to know for next time.
“Just order the Coffin Coffee,” she says with a half smile, before returning to the counter.
“Daphne brews the best coffee known to man, we are lucky to have her.” Jer beams at the woman, who just winks at her boss. When she catches my eye, she rolls her eyes playfully. She is clearly used to his antics. “Though, we do have to give her a raise every six months,” Jer chuckles. “She’s also an apprentice in the studio,” Jer adds, nodding to a door at the back of the room.
“She’s got a lot of ink herself,” I say, taking another glorious sip.
“Most of which she’s done herself. That, or it’s Zach’s work. My style is too colorful for her preference, though I do teach her as well.” Jer is watching me closely as I slowly sip the coffee, not wanting it to end.
“So, I was thinking, would you want to do a tattoo for me?” I ask, as he sips his own cup of goodness.
“Oh, heck yes! What are we doing? A sleeve, full back piece?” he practically vibrates in his seat from excitement.
“Woah, slow your roll. I just want something small,” I chuckle.
“Boo.” He smirks, his bubbly energy pulling me into him. The man is practically irresistible.
“I was thinking of a butterfly. One half on my left wrist, and the other on my right. The left side will be a tattered butterfly wing in black and white. Then the right side will be a beautiful, colorful, thriving wing.”
“Yeah, I love it. Zach and I can each do a wing, that way you can get both done at the same time,” Jer offers, and I nod, feeling shy.
“Yes. Definitely. Please.”