Page 52 of A Touch of Sapphire
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” Eli moans as he presses the tip of his cock against my center.
He’s three thrusts deep when the front doorbell jingles. His hand comes around the front of me, covering my mouth to silence me. He keeps pounding, my eyes wide as I struggle not to make a sound.
We explode together, not lasting long because of the threat of being caught. I’m tugging my jeans up, and running out the door to check on the customer, only to find the store empty. Guess they changed their minds.
“That was too close! Next time, lock the door!” I scold as Eli finally makes his way to the front.
“Sorry!” He grins, but he doesn’t look the least bit sorry at all.
The next few days are spent rotating between different homes until my men are sure the threat is gone. I’m not so sure. I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
It must be Thad. He’s found me.
I’ve mentally prepared myself, but I’m still shaking like a leaf when I walk through my front door alone for the first time in a week and find an envelope on the floor.
You need to come home. I gave you space. Now it’s time to stop playing house slut with your stepbrother. You have an obligation to this family.
You will fulfill your end of this.
My hands are shaking so badly that I drop the letter and curl up on the couch as I try to calm down, unsuccessfully.
That's when the nausea starts.
For three days, I puke my freaking brains out. The horrible feeling comes and goes, but I can’t get past it. Sometimes I can eat and be fine for hours, other times I can look in the direction of raw chicken and end up bent over the toilet.
So here I sit in the small town doctor’s office, Isaiah soothingly rubbing my back as I cling to a bucket.
“It wasn’t this bad last time!” I complain.
“I know, baby.” Isaiah pushes the hair out of my face and kisses my cheek gently as we wait for the doctor. She took a pee sample and started an IV with fluids to help replenish what I’d lost over the last few days. When she finally knocks on the door, I’m ready to remove my stomach.
Puking is the absolute worst. I feel weak. And gross. Not to mention my throat is burning.
“Please, tell me you know what's wrong and how to cure it!” I whine as she steps into the room.
“Yes, Sapphire, I know what’s causing your vomiting.” She looks way too freaking happy for someone delivering a diagnosis.
“Why are you grinning like that?” I snap, clearly irritable as fuck after days of suffering. She just chuckles at my outburst, making me glare harder.
“I have good news. Your condition will improve greatly…in a few months. Congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
I hear her words. I understand them. And yet, my brain is in denial.
“I took plan b…” I protest. “They…no.” I shake my head, waving my hand at the doctor. “Take the test again. I’m not–” and my words are cut off by me hurling into my puke bag. When I finish, I glare daggers at a grinning Isaiah. “You!” I shove his arm. “YOU DID THIS!”
“Well, it might have been one of the other four,” he says with a chuckle. My eyes go wide before flicking to the doctor. She blushes, clears her throat, and hands me a paper.
“This is for you. Your due date is based on your last cycle, as well as some next steps. I’ve also written you a prescription for an anti-nausea medication. We can schedule an appointment to talk about everything in a few weeks if you’d like. I am an OB,” she says with a giggle and wave. She retreats from the room like a lit firework, and I roll onto my back.
“Fuck,” is all I can say as I rest my palm on my stomach. Isaiah already took the paper from me and is reading it with a megawatt smile. “This is so complicated.”
“You’re about six weeks along. We need to get your prescription, so we can grab your prenatal supplements then as well. The fluids should be helping you already, though?” Isaiah completely ignores my death stare.
“I’ll do it myself,” I grumble. “I need some time to just think,” I say softly. “I’ll walk home. I just need…time.”