Page 6 of A Touch of Sapphire
“Fuck, Sapphire…” he whispers my name as he comes, and when his movements stop, he pulls his cock out of me slowly, looking down at me with so much affection, my heart pounds. “Such a good girl.”
He falls beside me, pulling me into his arms, as we both catch our breath.
“That was amazing, will it always feel so good?” I ask, wondering how he doesn’t have a fan club of women stalking him. How does he ever leave his bed?
“No, Saff. It’s not like that almost ever,” he whispers, so I look up at him and watch as he starts to drift off to sleep. “That was more than just fucking. You’re mine now, and I don’t want to ever let you go,” his last words are mumbled, but I hear them clearly.
My heart aches because I don’t want to let him go either, but I know I have to. He’s doing well for himself. He’s crazy attractive and charismatic. Kind and everything I don’t deserve. He’s also my stepbrother’s best friend. I can’t be Isaiah’s girl, no matter how desperately I wish I could be.
He deserves better than a girl like me. Spoiled little rich girl, engaged to her stepfather's nephew… I can’t even find happiness for myself, let alone love him the way he should be loved. I’m a mess, and he’s too good for a girl like me. One night, that's all this can be.
I kiss Isaiah’s chest, then press my forehead to the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent one last time. Memorizing it. Reaching up, I push my hands into his hair and stroke gently. I want to burn this moment into my mind, so I can look back on it when I’m fulfilling my duty to my family. The way he feels and the way he smells. The things he said and how badly I want him. All of it. Every perfect moment.
Climbing out from under his arm, I steal a sweatshirt and grab my phone. I watch as he sleeps, looking so peaceful, with the couch blanket now draped over his lower half. I can’t resist, I pull out my phone and snap a picture of him. Then I blow him a kiss as a tear falls down my cheek leaving a burning trail of heartbreak with it.
My family is right about me. They remind me that I’m nothing every chance they get.
That’s when I see the pad of paper and a pen on the small kitchen counter.
I can’t say goodbye the way he deserves, but he should know this isn’t about him, but me.
I stare down at the note Sapphire left me last night before she snuck out of the pool house, knowing she’s just across the street. I could blow her entire life up, right now, if I stomped into that house and dragged her out.
But you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it. She can’t see the way she’s being used, but she will one day. I just hope it’s not too late for her by then.
I push away the ache in my chest, locking it up tight.
Never again. I’ll never allow myself to be this vulnerable again.
Sapphire age 23, four years later
“Antonio?” I ask when the phone stops ringing. I made it to Orlando, but the last address I had for him is apparently not where he lives anymore. This is my third try calling his cell while using a stranger's phone. His voicemail is the only thing reassuring me that he hasn’t changed his number.
“No, who’s this?” It’s a woman’s voice that isn’t familiar, and I’m not sure who she is. Must be his girlfriend. I wouldn’t know. We don’t talk anymore.
“Sapphire…” I mumble, looking over at the old man who’s staring me down. I smile awkwardly, spinning away from him as my blonde hair falls into my eyes. The messy bun I have my hair tied up in is a bit too messy after not being washed for the last three days.
“Sapphire? I don’t know anyone by that name,” the girl hisses, and I nibble my lip.
“Oh, um, I’m his stepsister. I tried to go to Anton’s apartment, but I guess he moved. Do you know where he lives now?” I ask, realizing that she obviously knows where my brother lives if she’s answering his phone.
“We moved to Miami three months ago, are you in Orlando?” she chuckles, and my heart sinks. I instantly burst into tears. The older man, who allowed me to use his phone for a brief call, clears his throat behind me. I cover the speaker and plead with him with my eyes to understand.
“I’m so sorry sir, I’m not from here. I came here looking for my brother, but it turns out he lives in Miami now. I used the last bit of cash I had to get here, and I have no phone, no car, no money, and now, I have nowhere to go. I am so grateful that you’re letting me use your phone, and I promise I’ll be done in just a moment.” As I speak, the older man’s features soften, and he gives me a quick nod. I said more than I should have, but the words just fell free.
“Take your time, dear,” he says, looking at me like I'm a stray dog, begging for food. He takes a few steps away from me, so I can have some privacy.
“Look, I don’t know any Sapphire, and Antonio has never mentioned a sister. Stop calling this number,” she hisses, and it's more than I can take. I haven’t felt like anyone was worried about me in years. That's my own fault. But to hear her so callous and cruel…maybe my mother was right. Maybe I should have stayed with Thad, even after he…no, he hurt me. It’s never okay. But my heart aches at the thought of being alone. No home, no family. Stranded…
I pushed Antonio away. I ran from Isaiah. I isolated myself, and then I convinced myself I didn't deserve better than Thad.
If he hadn't started hitting me, I might have never questioned my shitty situation. It started slow. Pinches and flicks. Then hair pulling and open-handed slaps. Before I knew it, he was throwing me around like a rag doll, and I just let him.