Page 16 of A Touch of Rose
“I can’t fuck you,” he immediately says.
“You could, you just won't,” I point out, glancing down at his hard-on. “That's not what I meant, though. You can teach me what to do. How to make a man want me enough to fuck me even though I’m a virgin.” I pout, remembering the pouting used to work on him when I was younger.
There was a time that bringing out the bottom lip would have him doing anything I asked.
He realizes what I’m doing and glares at me. “Rose…” he warns, but I blink at him, leaning into him with a hand resting on his leg.
“I’ll make it worth your while!” I promise. “You said you can’t fuck me. But there are things you can show me that don’t involve your cock in my pussy.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Rose!” Nash hisses, and I cringe.
“Sorry. That was a bit much. Go big or go home, though, right?” I try to laugh it off, but I can see it. He’s so close to saying yes.
That's when his phone rings. The screen lights up, and we both look over to see it’s a call from Holden. I groan.
So close.
I finish off my drink as Nash answers the call. I tune him out, staring at the bar. There’s a very attractive man sitting alone. If Nash won’t touch me, maybe he’ll help me…
“I don’t think you’re ready to flirt with a stranger at the bar, Rose,” Nash teases, and when I turn back to him, he’s scooted even further away. But…
“If you coach me, I could be. You don’t have to touch me. Just tell me what to do.” I pout, and he shakes his head.
“What would your brothers say?” He lifts a brow, and I shrug.
“I have no intention of telling either of them what happens in my pants. So I assume they’ll say nothing,” I snark, getting tired of this narrative. “I’m my own woman. No one but me gets a say in what I do with my body.”
There’s a quiet pause, but then…“I agree.” My head snaps around so fast that my hair flips into my face.
“Agree with what I said or agree to help a poor virgin out?” I ask, feeling hopeful.
“Both. Now, that could just be this cocktail talking, but what the hell!” Nash grips my chin until I’m looking back at the bar and then scoots in behind me. His body is pressed tightly to mine. When he tugs me back, his hardness presses against my ass, and I gasp. He made room for me between his legs, with one foot propped up on the seat of the booth.
“O-okay,” I murmur, shivering.
“Men are so easy. They want what they can’t have. Or they want what someone else has. Sometimes they just want.” As Nash drags his fingertips up my arms, I wiggle against him. I’ve never been touched like this. “My attention is entirely on you. When he turns around, make eye contact and then hold it. Don’t look away first.”
“Okay,” I say again, this time my voice doesn’t shake.
I watch the well-dressed man as he turns around and scans the room. When our eyes meet, Nash drops his lips to the sensitive skin of my neck and nips. I suck in a jagged breath, still holding eye contact.
The stranger's eyes darken, and I watch as he licks his lips before turning back to the bar.
“Holy shit,” I whisper, making Nash chuckle. “What should I do now?”
“Nothing. No more lessons tonight.” When Nash shifts back from me, I slump back. He was so warm, and fuck if I wasn’t enjoying his hands on me.
“Truth or dare?” I mumble, not thinking…just needing.
“Truth,” Nash says to my complete shock, willing to play my game, even if he did pick the easy way out. But what do I ask?
“What do I do next to make him want me?” I keep my eyes locked on the stranger, but every part of my body is focused on Nash.
“He already wants you.”
I practically growl at him. “You know what I mean.”
“Truth or dare,” he asks instead of replying, and I swallow hard.