Page 23 of A Touch of Rose
Twenty minutes later, I’m staring at a wall of dildos with no idea what I’m looking at. I don’t know what I want. I didn’t think there would be so many dang options.
“Oh my god, I have this one. You’ll love it!” Some stunning goddess of a woman says as she walks by, tapping a giant purple monster. It’s half the size of my leg! Okay, that's a bit dramatic, but it is massive.
“Thanks!” I mumble, waving as she walks away with a big grin on her face. Probably thinking about all the fun she’s going to have with her toy later…
I should probably go for something a little…smaller. Less intimidating.
“Tentacle cock?” a familiar voice asks, making me yelp and hop away like I was just caught smoking weed on campus.
“I wasn’t going to get that one! It’s too big!” I’m saying before I can think better of it.
“Not judging. Just curious. Personally, I think you could have a great time with just about any of these…” He chuckles when I shoot daggers at his head with my eyes, wishing I had the power of invisibility.
“Go away,” I hiss, making him laugh more.
“No, I’m having too much fun watching you squirm.” Ren wiggles his eyebrows at me before leaning over me to grab the tentacle dick off the wall. “Mine’s bigger,” Ren winks, and my mouth falls open.
“Oh, I’m sure it is,” I scoff, snatching the box out of his hands. Jeez, this thing is heavy! “Seriously, don’t you have somewhere else to be? Like, anywhere else!”
“Nope.” Ren pops the p and steps into me, crowding me against the wall of dicks. “You look anxious, Rose. Do I make you nervous?”
“No.” I try to step back, but he’s got me backed against the penises. So many penises. If Ren won’t back down, I’ll just have to scare him off. Two can play this game.
“You sure, Candycane? Your pulse is racing,” he whispers. I realize the stunning goddess of a woman that recommended the monster tentacle peen works here because she walks over, putting something on the shelf, and smirks at us.
Her name tag says Diamond. Our eyes meet, and she must see the same anxiety on my face that Ren did because her eyes narrow.
“Is he bothering you, babe?” she asks, and I watch her size up Ren. This woman is maybe five-three and can’t weigh more than a hundred and twenty pounds. Size-wise, she’s not very threatening, but the fire in her eyes is intimidating.
“He’s not bothering me, but we could use your help. Ren here doesn’t know how to please a woman,” I cup one hand around my mouth and mock whisper, “Even though his dick is bigger.” I shake the monster peen I’m still holding.
Her eyes go wide, then she winces, giving Ren a look of pity. “That's okay, hun! There’s no shame in that,” Diamond says encouragingly, and I nod in agreement. I put the monster peen back, grinning at a glaring Ren.
“That's what I was just saying!” Once Diamond is about a foot away, I reach around Ren’s shoulder and grab two items off the smaller display beside us. “He’s been looking for something for himself too. What do you think about these? Does a flesh-light really feel better than a pocket pussy, or are they about the same?” I lift one of each and hold them up to him. “Does any of it really compare to the real thing?”
“We’re good here,” Ren tells Diamond before grabbing me by my arms and spinning us away from the sales girl.
“I recommend–”
“We’re good!” Ren grumbles, making me bite my lip to hide my smile. I hear her walking away and look around Ren’s arm, pouting.
“That wasn’t very nice,” I scold, and Ren steps away from me, snatching the toys out of my hands and putting them back. “She just wanted to help you get your partners off,” I add, unable to hide my grin any longer.
“Lying to strangers is rude,” Ren counters, and I shrug.
“How would I know it was a lie?” I ask, shrugging. “Plus, you lied to me first,” I point out.
“I wasn’t lying, Rose. You want to start a war? I can guarantee you’ll lose.” Ren leans in, whispering, “On your knees, begging for the cock you think can’t get you off.”
“A cock has never gotten me off before.” I shrug.
“You’re a virgin?” Ren says, but I keep going. That's not the point.
“A vibrating clit sucker sounds fun, though!” I smirk when his skin flushes red. Jesus, take the wheel, Ren is so damn handsome. His jaw clenches, and his eyes hold mine captive as my heart races. If this is his version of battle, I’m all in. With one last heavy exhale, Ren backs up.
“You win this round, demon, but I’ll enjoy getting you back for this,” he declares before retreating to the front of the store. I quickly grab three different vibrators and dash to the register, feeling triumphant. I don’t know what sort of retaliation Ren has in mind, but I hope it involves the begging he mentioned.
Ren’s eyes are glued to his phone by the time I’m done, and he smartly keeps his trap shut as we make our way to the car. I’ve just buckled when Ren curses quietly.