Page 61 of A Touch of Rose
“Oh, good, you’ve brought another model on a diet that hates pie?” she huffs in agitation, totally throwing me off. That was such an oddly specific insult that I don’t even know what to say. “Well. Are you going to introduce your guest?”
“Rose, this is my mother, Bridget. Mother, this is Phoenix’s twin sister, Rose.”
“Phoenix Rays? Oh, my.” The way she says that makes me think she’s not impressed. Which only has my guard rising higher.
“Nice to meet you, ma’am. And I enjoy pie just fine.” I tip my head, not offering her my hand to shake. She’s probably cold as stone, and I don’t want all that negativity on me.
“Well, come in, the dinner has already started.” And just like that, she’s stomping off in three-inch heels.
“I take it the rest of the night is going to be just as pleasant?” I ask, and Nash nods gravely. “Awesome.” I lift my chin and square my shoulders.
* * *
If you’re ever in the position of being someone’s fake date while they attempt to make it seem like you’re their real date while also attending a dinner with a family they don’t get along with… I recommend getting an ear infection, the flu, or even allergies instead.
I’ve been sitting at this empty dinner table for thirty minutes, and I’ve discovered a few things.
The first is that I will never again call the man beside me Nashville. His mother makes it sound like she spits it out with a moldy piece of cheese.
The second is that his mom is the worst. Every other word out of her mouth is a put-down.
I never met Nash’s brother before. Now, I understand why. Nash kept them all far away from his personal life. I do know that Nancy, his sister, slept with Nix a few years ago, but tonight, she’s the picture of perfection.
I keep my hands to myself, respecting Nash’s no-touching rule. I just want to hold his hand, though. Offer him some comfort. I see the way he flinches at every word his mother spews.
Meanwhile, she showers his younger brother with praise and acts like his sister can do no wrong.
“Oh, hogwash!” she says, and the absurdity of the word draws my attention back to her. I’ve been trying to tune her out. “Nashville is just wasting time. We tried to give him everything, but in the end, he chose to defy our every wish for his future.”
“He’s an amazing player, Mother,” Nash’s brother, Huston, says. He’s trying to defend his brother. I’ve seen that much, but it’s futile. The woman is determined to be a hag.
“I’ll hear none of it. Nashville is lazy, selfish, and without purpose or drive,” she sneers. I watch her eyes glare daggers at Nash, and he just quietly sips his water. I’ve never seen him so subdued. I hold my hand out to him, offering it palm up. He takes it without hesitation. “Pathetic,” she starts, and I slam my free hand down on the table. I’ve reached my limit. One look at Nash has me snapping my jaw shut, though.
“I’m going to be sick! I think I need Nash to take me back to the hotel!” I announce, gagging grotesquely for emphasis. “Oh, no! It’s coming out at both ends!”
“Oh, good heavens, go! GO!” his mother shouts. I abso-fucking-lutely do not need to be told twice. I yank the man's hand and race for the door. Nash follows behind me silently, and I don't dare say a word until we’re in his car, and he’s pulling away.
“Are you okay, will you make it to the bathroom at the hotel? Do I need to pull over, or–”
“Nash, I’m fine.” I turn to him, and he frowns.
“You’re fine?”
“I lied, okay? I couldn’t take one more second of your mother saying such horrible things about you,” I admit, and his eyebrows shoot up. “It was either lie about diarrhea or start throwing my poop at your mother like a fucking offended monkey.”
“Well, that was a visual I didn’t know I’d find both disgusting and somehow also attractive?” Nash chuckles, and I shrug.
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises.” I wiggle my eyebrows at Nash, and he scoffs a laugh.
“That you are, babe, that you are.”
“Save Me (from Myself)” by Nurko and Kyle Hume
After that horrid dinner, Nash and I stopped for food, since we never even ate, and crawled into the bed to binge-watch episodes of The Office while we chowed down.