Page 109 of Hope After Loss
“He didn’t say anything. He just left?” Taeli asks.
“That son of a bitch,” Erin says.
“I thought he had, but when I got up to go confront him, I saw the note he had left me.”
“What did it say?” Taeli asks.
“That he hadn’t wanted to wake me so he left to set up for the festival himself and I could join him after I had breakfast.”
“Ah, that’s so sweet,” Ansley says.
“You had sex with Weston Tuttle,” Erin says in awe.
“I did and it was amazing.”
“Damn, hotel sex is so hot,” Jena says.
“Was it just the once?” Brandee asks.
I shake my head. “The next night, we enjoyed each other in the shower.”
“Damn, shower sex is so hot,” Jena says.
Erin looks at her.
“Not for me and Ted. He’s so big, and our shower is tiny. The two of us trying to maneuver ourselves in there is like a gorilla and a koala bear wrestling. The last time we tried, he threw his back out.”
She turns to me. “So, what happened next?”
“He carried me to the bed, and we slept for a while.”
“For a while. That means you had morning sex too,” Erin guesses.
“Yep, quickly before we left for the festival.”
“Which one was better?” Ansley asks.
“Shower sex beats bed sex every time, duh,” Jena says.
“Why? I like having sex on a bed,” Taeli states.
“I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. It’s just boring. No one is writing books about passionate missionary sex,” Jena says.
“Maybe they should,” Taeli snaps.
“Missionary is not hot. It’s lukewarm at best,” Erin says.
“I asked Anna which was better, not you guys,” Ansley gripes.
I think about it.
“The shower sex was intense, and the morning sex was sweet.”
“The best of both worlds,” she says.
“How did it feel?” Taeli asks.
“It was Weston. I’m fairly sure he knows his way around a woman’s body,” Jena says.