Page 111 of Hope After Loss
“Sure. Where is Tuck?” I ask.
“In the shower. You might as well grab a plate and pull up a seat. He’s reached that age where his showers are lasting longer and longer.”
I chuckle. “Ah, the joys of adolescent morning wood.”
“Not just morning. He takes a nice long shower before bed too. Poor Isley doesn’t get it. She complains about him using up all the hot water. Yesterday, she asked me how dirty a fourteen-year-old boy can get overnight.”
“What did you tell her?”
“Depending on his dreams, pretty damn dirty.”
“Did she get it then?” I ask.
“Nope. Went right over her head.”
I pour myself a cup of coffee and start loading a plate with pancakes and bacon.
“Our boy is becoming a man. Guess I’m going to have to have a talk with him soon,” I say.
The hand that is bringing a forkful of eggs to his mouth freezes.
“Don’t even think about it,” he demands.
The front door swings open, and Corbin walks in.
“Hey, what’s up, Cor? You want some breakfast?” I ask as I head to a stool.
He doesn’t answer. He just stomps his way over to me and shoves me into the island. Hard.
The plate I’m holding crashes to the floor.
“Whoa, what’s going on?” Langford asks as he stands.
Corbin shoves his finger in my face as he turns to Langford. “This asshole is sleeping with Anna—that’s what’s going on,” he spits.
Langford steps closer and moves in between us. “All right, and?”
“And?” Corbin shouts.
“Calm down, Corbin,” Langford demands.
“Hell no, I’m not gonna calm down. I’m gonna beat his ass.”
“The fuck you are. Tucker is in the other room.”
That causes him to pause, and he takes a step backward.
“Did you know?” he asks Langford.
“No, but I figured it wouldn’t be long,” he admits.
“I’m sorry. I should have told you,” I start.
“Yes, you should have. Instead, I had to hear it from Maxi after a night with the girls,” he spits. “No, actually, I shouldn’t have had to hear it at all. You should have kept your damn hands to yourself,” he yells.
“Tucker,” Langford reminds him.
“Dammit, West. This isn’t some single chick from a temp agency that you can live out your kinky boss-secretary fantasy with. When Mom suggested you hire her, I trusted you not to be … you,” he hisses.