Page 52 of Hope After Loss
“That’s your calling. Making the world beautiful. One way or the other.”
A sly smile raises the corners of her mouth.
“Yeah. Maybe. I’m not positive I’ll be able to do it or that I even want to anymore. It’s just old dreams.”
I walk to her and bring my mouth to her ear. “You already have. The world is definitely more beautiful because you’re in it.”
A gasp escapes her as I continue walking until I make it to my office.
“I have a meeting with Langford and one of his investors in an hour. Please let me know when they arrive,” I say before shutting the door.
What the hell was that?
I berate myself for flirting with her again. I can’t seem to help myself. It’s as if putting a smile on her face has been my only goal lately.
At exactly eleven o’clock, there is a knock at my door, and Anna peeks inside.
“Hi,” she says tentatively.
I wave her forward, and she slips inside and closes the door behind her.
“Langford and an older, sharply dressed gentleman just arrived,” she informs me.
“Right on time,” I mumble before standing.
“Leona came by and picked up Kaela so she wouldn’t be in the way. And I stored her pack ’n play in the break room.”
I grin at her. “You didn’t have to do that, Anna.”
“I know, but I wanted everything to look professional for your meeting.”
“It’s just my brother,” I remind her.
“And an investor here to talk to you about a business opportunity.”
We stare at one another for a few beats.
“Well, get out there and knock their socks off,” she orders.
I walk around the desk and follow her out to greet our guests.
“There he is. Stanhope, this is my brother, Weston. Weston, I’d like you to meet Stanhope Marshall. He’s one of the primary investors of the Misty Mountain Ranch and Ski Area. He flew in from New York last night,” Langford introduces.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Marshall.”
“Please, Weston, call me Stanhope. And who is this lovely young lady?” Stanhope asks as he turns to Anna.
“Anna Kunder. She’s my executive assistant,” I reply.
Anna steps forward to shake the man’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she says with a wide smile on her face.