Page 114 of Rise After Fall
“He’s not? He must have gotten stuck in traffic, or he has a flat tire or something. I’ll call him,” I say as I start to look around the room. “Oh no, my phone is back at the hotel. Do you have yours?” I ask him frantically.
He brings his eyes to mine. “No, sweetheart, you don’t understand. I’ve already spoken with him. He’s not coming.”
It takes a few seconds for me to process the words.
“What do you mean, he’s not coming?”
He drops his head and clutches the back of his neck. “He said he’s sorry, but he just can’t get married. Not today.”
“Not today?” I repeat.
He looks up, and I can see the pain in his eyes.
“Not ever.”
That’s when I lose control of my legs, and he has to rush forward to catch me as my mother, friends, and Maria come rushing in behind him.
In that moment, I feel so many emotions—confusion, anger, humiliation, and deep, soul-crushing heartbreak.
Mom runs over and takes me from my father’s arms and into hers. “It’s okay, Hannah. Everything is going to be okay,” she assures me.
“Get me out of here,” I howl into her hair.
At my cry, Maria immediately moves into action and starts clearing a path, using her body to shield me from everyone’s faces. She leads us out to the limousine. As soon as I see the bewildered look on the driver’s face when he exits the car to greet us, I melt into a puddle again.
“This way. We’ll take the car,” Maria’s assistant says as she waves us toward the parking lot.
The four of us hurry to her small silver Toyota Camry, and Mom and I duck into the backseat.
How did this happen? This went from the best day of my life to the worst day of my life in a matter of twenty minutes.
Twenty minutes.
I turn and look at the chapel as we back out of the space.
My happily ever after is in there.
The doors swing open, and a confused wave of my friends and family begins to file out. Mortification swallows me as my father commands their attention while we screech out into traffic and race out of sight.
Thank God for Maria and her assistant.
My guardian angels.
“Hannah, over here!”
My eyes scan the sea of faces at baggage claim to find Aunt Trixie and Uncle Bob.
She is standing with a sign in her hands that reads,Welcome to Lake Mistletoe.
I clutch the handle of my suitcase and make my way to them.
She greets me with a warm hug, and Uncle Bob kisses my cheek and takes the suitcase from my hand.
“How was your flight?” Aunt Trixie asks as the sliding glass doors open and a blast of icy air hits my face.