Page 12 of Rise After Fall
“Wow, she sure has it bad for you,” Zoey says as I open the door and lead her inside.
“Kinley? She had a crush on me back in high school, but that was a long time ago.”
“I bet it doesn’t feel so long ago to her.”
We don’t get two steps inside the restaurant when I hear my name being called again, and I look over to see Weston and Corbin seated at a booth, waving us over to join them.
“You’re popular this morning,” Zoey says.
“That’s two of my brothers,” I tell her as I lead her over to them.
“Hey, bro. Who is this stunning creature, and what is she doing with the likes of you this morning?” Weston asks as he stands to take a seat beside Corbin so Zoey and I can sit together.
“This is Miss Zoey Phillips.”
“Hi, Zoey. I’m Weston, Morris’s older and much better-looking brother, and this one is Corbin, our older, older brother,” Weston introduces himself and Corbin.
“Pleasure to meet you. You guys have a big family.”
“Getting bigger by the minute,” Corbin says.
“I’ll get our waitress to add your order to ours. What can I get you guys?” Weston asks.
“Apparently, I have to try the biscuits and gravy,” Zoey tells him.
The waitress brings us each a mason jar, filled with ice water and Weston adds our breakfast selections to their bill.
“So, Zoey, what brings you to Balsam Ridge?” Weston asks.
“I’m here to work,” she replies.
He leans over the table. “But why here? I mean, these mountains aren’t much of a challenge for someone like you.”
“Someone like me? Exactly what is someone like me?” she asks him.
“A powder princess.”
“Which is?”
He shrugs. “A girl who is used to high mountains and even higher luxury. I’m sure Misty Mountain seems like a molehill in comparison,” he explains.
“High luxury,” she repeats.
“Yeah, for instance, I bet you’re used to drinking out of crystal wineglasses instead of these mason jars.”
She grins at him, completely unbothered by his assessment. “I’ll have you know that with the rustic-chic revolution, mason jars are considered highbrow in the finer winter lodges of the world.”
“Is that right?” he asks.
“I’m not the snob you obviously consider me to be,” she tells him.
“I never called you a snob.”
“Oh, that’s right; it’s powder princess.” She rolls her eyes.
The waitress appears with our plates.
Weston picks up his fork, but before digging in, he points it at Zoey.