Page 65 of Rise After Fall
When we make it to Weston’s house, Sara-Beth walks me inside. She gives me a quick tour, showing me where everything is and how everything works. Then, she hands me a key.
“It’s all yours. Enjoy your evening,” she says.
I give her a tight hug. “Thank you for listening. Your boys and daughters-in-law are so lucky to have you to talk to and glean advice from.”
“I’m sure your own mother is just as good at listening as I am.”
“We don’t talk like that. Not anymore.”
“Why’s that?”
“It felt like I was always putting her in the middle between me and my father. Like every discussion about my future was a game of tug-of-war and she was the rope.”
Sara-Beth smiles and brings her hand to my cheek. “I’ll let you in on a secret when it comes to our babies—mothers are tougher than the strongest rope.”
I walk her out and wave as she drives away. Then, I shut myself in and go in search of that tub.
I’m lying in the warm water with my eyes closed, listening to the hum of the jets when I hear the bathroom door open and shut.
I open one eye to see Morris on bended knee beside the tub and watch as he runs a hand over the slippery curve of my shoulder.
“Hi,” I whisper.
“Hi yourself. Are you enjoying your bath?”
“It’s glorious. Do you want to join me?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer. He just stands and unbuttons his jeans.
I watch, enjoying the show as he strips each piece of clothing from his body and drops it onto the bathroom floor.
Once he’s naked, I sit up and scoot forward to make room for him to slide into the water behind me.
“Ahhhh, the jets feel good on my aching muscles,” he moans as he wraps me in his arms and pulls me back.
I relax into his chest as he swipes my hair to the side and kisses a trail from my jaw to my collarbone.
My body hums with pleasure as I loll my head to the side and rest it on his shoulder.
“What time is it?” I ask.
“Just past nine.”
“I’ve been in here for an hour and a half. I’m a prune,” I say as I lift my hand from the water and show him my wrinkled fingertips.
He laces his fingers in mine and brings them to his mouth and kisses each one.
“Did you guys get the poles moved?”
“Yep. It wasn’t fun, digging up that concrete. My back and shoulders are screaming.”
“Sounds like we both needed this tub time,” I say.
“Yep, and a good night’s sleep in a big, comfy king bed,” he agrees.
I shift to add some more hot water to the bath, and my backside glides against him, and he groans into my hair. So, I wiggle my hips again, and I can feel him grow hard.
His hands slide up my sides to cup my breasts, and I arch my back. His erection nestles into the middle of my spread legs.