Page 10 of Doll Face
The thought causes Kenzie to pop into my brain, and I wonder what she’s up to tonight. Not that I would ask her to join me for something like this, but I’m just curious. I know I shouldn’t be, but it’s like stalking your exes on social media—I can’t help it.
I think about the last time I was at one of these events with Kenzie. It was back when we were still living in California, and she was meeting my parents for the first time. It was a fundraiser for Up, Up, Away and some charity I can’t remember the name of. But I do remember that night clearer than anything.
“Are you sure they’re going to like me?” Kenzie asks again.
“I’m positive.” I smile, fixing her necklace.
“But what if they don’t?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so nervous before. It’s adorably cute.”
“It is not. I’ve never met someone’s parents before. I’m like, freaking out. I’m going to sweat through my dress.” She fans her armpits.
“It’s just a fundraiser for charity. They aren’t going to make a scene at a work event, and besides, they’re going to love you. I know I do.”
“Yeah? Say that again.” She smiles.
“I love you, Kenzie.”
“I love you, too.” She kisses me chastely, careful not to smudge our lipstick.
We head to the event together, and I don’t tell her I’m just as nervous as she is. What if my parents don’t like her? Kelly had already met her but she’s fairly easy to please. She’s just a teenager. Mom and Dad are different. They are trusting me with so much responsibility at work lately, and what if they thought I shouldn’t be bringing anyone home right now or something? What-if they don’t like that she’s a lingerie model? Will it make a difference to me if they tell me not to see her or something? No. I’m in love with Kenzie, and although we’ve only been dating a few months, it feels like the real deal.
“Okay, here we go.” Kenzie takes a deep breath as we arrive at the fundraiser.
“You got this.” I beam, reminding her it’ll be okay. I’m partially reminding myself, too.
“Don’t leave my side, okay?”
“Promise.” I nod.
The place is decorated to the nines, and I can tell my mother had something to do with it. While my signature color is pink, hers is red—and this entire place screams of her. There are red and gold decorations everywhere, and the tables are colored red to match. It’s a little bit of an overkill, but everything looks nice together. The place is packed, and I know we need to find my parents before they start making speeches and things. Kenzie and I have only planned to make an appearance, meet my parents, and then take Kelly home with us. It’s too long of an event to keep a teenager occupied, and my parents want an eye on Kelly at all times. She’s a bit of a wild child if not kept on a tight leash. But then again, who isn’t at her age?
“Do you see them anywhere?” Kenzie asks, as I look around the room.
“Nope.” I frown.
“Barbie!” I hear my name being called. Kelly’s dodging her way across the room to us. “Thank goodness you’re here, can we go now? I’m so bored.”
“We just got here, we have to say hello to Mom and Dad.”
“Hey, Kenzie. You look nervous,” Kelly points out.
“Kelly!” I scold my sister. She’s going to make Kenzie even more nervous.
“I do?”
“No, you look fine. Kelly, go talk to someone your age, and I’ll find you in a bit, okay?”
“Fine,” she grumbles and takes off toward the buffet table.
“Do I really look nervous?” Kenzie asks, wide-eyed.
“No, you look beautiful.” I look around the room again and find my mom, which means my dad shouldn’t be too far behind. “Come on.” I take Kenzie by the hand and lead her over to my parents.
My mom is talking to someone and using her fake smile, pretending to be interested in the story. It looks artificial, especially with all the plastic surgery she’s had over the years, but if you weren’t her daughter, you’d probably think it was a genuine grin. She spots me and excuses herself, pulling my dad along with her until she reaches me and gives me a big hug.
“Hi, sweetheart.” She sports a fake grin.