Page 18 of Doll Face
“Thank you.” I blush, pulling away.
“No, uh, thank you. Can I see you for lunch today? I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“I guess, yes then.” I laugh.
I head out the door before she makes me commit to anything else, and I walk toward the subway. Thankfully, I always have my metro card on me, so I’m able to jump on the train back into the city. I meet Midge at the Starbucks closest to the office, that’s not in the actual building so I wouldn’t run into anyone. She’s there waiting with my outfit and a change of shoes.
“Thank you! You’re definitely getting a raise!” I promise her.
“Don’t worry about it.” She laughs.
I know she’s my assistant but she might also be one of my closest friends.
I change and we both head to the office together. I have a big meeting with the company who designed the toys that turned into dildos. They aren’t exactly happy about that, and I need to calm the company manager—a very expressive white man who is threatening to fire people he doesn’t even have the authority to fire—down.
“I promise we’re taking this very seriously. I have my whole team working on the next round of toys to be made right now,” I assure him.
“You’re just a child. I thought we had a meeting with the CEO of the company?” He scoffs.
“I am the CEO of the company. And I’d appreciate you treating me with as much respect as I’m giving you even though it’s quite clear you’re in this position because it’s a family company. Unlike you, I earned my position here.” I’m tired of men coming in and talking to me like this.
“I see.” He sits down and looks over the papers I’ve given him. “I’ll have you know my family company takes having me in charge very seriously.”
“I’m sure they do. But my position wasn’t just handed to me, and I deserve to be spoken to with respect,” I say sharply.
“I’m sorry. I’d like to move forward.”
“Of course, I’m happy to go over any concerns you may have moving forward.” I nod.
“I want to see the new production line is running smoothly then.”
“That we can do. I’ll have my assistant escort you down, and we can meet again if any red flags are raised, but I’m sure that won’t be necessary.” I smile and head out of the office before he can say anything else. I’m not going to waste my time with an asshat like that.
I tell Midge to escort him down to production, and I head back to my office. It’s almost time for lunch, and I still have a few more things to do before then. I leave a note on Midge’s desk to not disturb me unless absolutely necessary. Just as I sit down to start working, I get a phone call from Kelly on the work line. I know it’s her because I’m old, and she’s one of the few phone numbers I actually have memorized for emergencies.
“Hello?” I didn’t expect a call from her while she was on vacation.
“Hey, girlie!” she says excitedly. She’s clearly been hitting the open bar at the resort.
“What’s up, Kelly?”
“I was just wondering how the ball went,” she says with an added giggle.
“It was okay.” I don’t give her any of the details she’s so clearly searching for.
“Oh, no one unexpected showed up?”
“Like Kenzie? Yeah, she showed up.”
“And what? I’ve told you countless times—stop meddling in my dating life. Especially with Kenzie. She doesn’t need any help when it comes to thinking she has a chance with me.”
“I’d say I’m sorry but I’m not. I want you to be happy, and I’ve never seen you happier than when you were with Kenzie,” she explains.
“Well, it might have worked out for the best.”
“What!? Did something happen?”