Page 7 of A 4th Full of Rage
“Oh, we have had encounters. Fangs have shown up at the bar we recently bought, and there’s been a few fights there. We’ve put two in the ground. We’ve had a ride by past the compound, which we fired upon and scattered them. And we have seen large numbers of riders. Fangs just ride in and ride off. They are literally baiting us to go after them. But we’ve held back; knowing how sneaky those bastards are, we’d end up walking into a trap,” Inglorious said.
“Wise. My guys did that. I ended up with five injured.” Tiger growled and hit the table.
“Tiger?” Chance inquired.
“I was out with Crunch when Fangs did a drive-by of my club. Freaking hot heads inside gave chase and rode straight into an ambush. They shot their way out, but not before five took bullets. Pissing idiots,” Tiger grumbled. Drake allowed a small smile to cross his face. Satan’s Warriors weren’t known for being the calmest MC in South Dakota.
“We’ve had a few bar fights, but nothing major,” Scythe announced. Tinker glowered.
“But we did blow the fuck out of a warehouse we believe belonged to them. Had arms in. When cops arrived, the bullets were still flying,” Tinker added.
“So we’re probably on their shit list somewhere.” Scythe grinned manically.
Drake and several others rolled their eyes. Each club was known for something. The Devil’s Scythe was known for its president, who freely admitted to being psychotic. Drake didn’t know how true that was, but Scythe was unique.
“The triple D had a drive-by. We returned fire and took three down. None alive, sorry to say,” Jailbait said.
“Those walls going up, brother?” Inglorious asked.
“Yeah, the ranch will be secure. Just a few miles left, and Blackrock Construction is working its ass off to get them finished. Lance and crew are putting state-of-the-art surveillance up. Already had that in the barns and breeding centres, but now we gotta protect our assets,” Jailbait said.
“There’re over ten foals, an easy three million. We’ve upped security on everything and spoken to our chapter in North Dakota. They’ve lost a lot of brothers lately and are down to fifteen men. We have offered them a merger here. Their inner circle is discussing it. If not, we’ve got a call into Phoe about any of the security firms set up by a former PT client,” Wrench added.
Drake nodded. Devil’s Damned Disciples lived on a ranch called Triple D, and they bred expensive horses. He wasn’t talking about horses worth ten or twenty thousand dollars; these horses went from fifty thousand up to three hundred thousand. Then, depending on the sire and mare, possibly even more. It made sense for Jailbait to be taking precautions.
“You need some men? I’ll send some of mine down. Anyone coming at Riders of Vengeance is a fuckin’ idiot,” Onyx offered.
Jailbait visibly considered and then nodded.
“If you could spare anything from five to ten guys, it would help. It’s not so easy to protect running horses as it is to protect a garage or bar.” Jailbait laughed.
“You’ll have ten tomorrow. Venom will send you their names. As for us, we’ve had drive-bys, assholes looking to test the strength of our walls. Good luck breaching them with anything but a rocket launcher. Let ‘em come. They’ll soon piss their pants,” Onyx stated.
“Hellfire’s had much the same. I think Fury is feeling us all out, taking pokes to test for weaknesses. He’ll have the info that we’re alert and ready to defend ourselves,” Chance said.
“Seems Rage is getting the worse of it. We’ve now had three skirmishes. The prospect attack being the latest,” Drake added.
“Hellfire was included in that,” Crunch pointed out.
“Yeah, but they were only after one of my prospects, Fanatic,” Chance demurred.
“That’s because he’s a Michaelson. They came after Tye, Carmine, and Harley. All of those present agree my four boys were Fury’s target. It is plain what his plan was. Grab my boys and force me to hand over Rage. It’s bad enough I got old ladies and kids on lockdown. Now I gotta watch my sons,” Drake complained.
“The shit fact of having Legacies,” Onyx said, swapping a glance with Venom. Drake wondered what that was about.
“They do become targets,” Inglorious agreed.
“Nobody expected fuckin’ Fury to raise his head with a grudge a mile wide!” Ace snapped.
“Brother ain’t saying that. Just saying Legacies are targeted. Is Fanatic protected?” Onyx said, asking Chance.
“Fucker rarely leaves his garage as it is, so yeah. He isn’t happy at being put on lockdown or having an escort, but if it keeps my nephew safe, so be it,” Chance exclaimed, looking amused.
Drake could well imagine how his eldest son was taking those restrictions. Much like Harley, who’d argued till he was blue in the face and then locked himself in the Smithy he owned. A brief grin crossed his face. Carmine and Tye had been full of teasing until they realised their mother had arranged hidden security for them, too. When Tye complained about not getting his dick wet, Phoe had merely smiled and told him to call her Mother Cockblocker.
“Harley has an escort on Rage and only leaves to go home. He usually stays at Rage though. Tye and Carmine have been given secret surveillance teams which nobody knows about, but they shadow them everywhere. My boys are safe,” Drake said.
“The old ladies?” Tiger questioned, looking at the presidents whose clubs had them.