Page 13 of Gauntlet
“I can fetch the owner if you’re interested,” I announced, and the fella peered at me and paled when he saw my cut.
“You know the owners?” he asked.
“Yeah, this shop is under our protection,” I said with a rictus of a smile.
In other words, steal from the store, and you steal from Rage MC.
“Oh, I didn’t see that. Don’t your shops usually have that logo?”
This guy had been casing our street.
“Yeah, but the owner is married to a brother. The Reading Nook is firmly under our protection. Any offence to Sinclair, and we take it personally, ya know?”
“Yes, nice to see people caring,” the man replied, losing interest in the book.
“The entire road literally belongs to Rage now. And we take crime in our area seriously.”
The guy blanched and then nodded.
“I just remembered a prior engagement; I’ll have to come back. There are some wonderful items here,” he replied, and with a last longing glance, he left.
I sent Hawthorne a message to get him to access the tapes of the shop and get a photo of the man. Hawthorne ran the security for most of our businesses. It was a shame we didn’t have a security expert, but we made do. Mac was pretty good at finding shit, but he was no Leila or Nigel. Luckily, our ties with Hawthorne’s and the Juno Group hadn’t failed us yet.
Whistling at the reply from Leila, I wandered back upstairs and locked the gate behind me. From the top of the stairs, we were well able to see across the entire floor, so I knew it was empty. Sin was chatting to Penny, and both women shot me a glance as I collected my coffee from Harry, their barista, and then fled without Slate. He could handle that pair of clucking hens.
Today was a successful day. My truck was full of knick-knacks that had caught my attention: some boots and a few outfits. The entire experience was freeing. I was able to go where I wanted without someone’s permission. Yeah, it had been terrifying and nerve-wracking but so much fun. Well, I didn’t think I’d change into a shopaholic, but I had enjoyed the trip.
The poem I’d seen in the Reading Nook was so cute. I’d wanted to linger and stack up on books, but knowing Gauntlet was around, I paid quickly for the poem and disappeared. The meeting had been completely awkward, and I know the owner had noticed. Sinclair had asked a few gentle questions, which I had cut off with short answers, and she’d got the message. As I left, I saw an older, attractive woman come out from the kitchen, and when I glanced back in the windows, they had their heads bowed together. I wondered if that was classed as garnering too much attention.
I’d have to ask Simone. Should I make friends or not? To be honest, I wouldn’t be able to trust them. Trust was hard-earned in my world. The last time I’d trusted someone, I ended up in prison. Trust was something I rarely gave, and the last person was Seraphine. Heck, I didn’t even trust Butch and Simone despite all their help. Prison taught you several life lessons. And I’d learned them well.
When I got home, I discovered a letter from Simone waiting inside my house. I’d not given her the security codes or anything, but I wasn’t surprised she was able to bypass the system. Putting the kettle on, I sat down and opened it. Happily, I devoured the news and smiled at the pictures that had been sent. Then I opened the hidden safe in the panic room and stashed them with the letters that had been sent six times a year. Over ten years, it now contained sixty-three, including today’s. Enviously I thought of Sin’s panic room and how comfy and state of art it had appeared, not that mine was anything to sneeze at, but even so.
One day soon, I’d be able to bring the special package home, and when I did, life would be right and joyous once again. And revenge would be complete. I headed back to the kitchen, and I heard shouting as I passed the front door. Confused, I looked through the peephole but saw nothing. When I opened the door, the bellowing became louder. Craning my neck, I was horrified to see a huge man standing over the diminutive Mrs Jepson, screaming in her face.
Chapter Four.
Without thinking, I slipped outside and through the gate, heading for the older lady who was refusing to give ground.
“What on earth is going on here?” I shouted as I approached at speed. The prick shoved Mrs Jepson, and I rushed over to steady her. Before the man reacted, my hand rose, and I slapped his face.
“What type of asshole shoves a woman?” I yelled, my temper rising. “And an older one at that! Scumbag!”
“Who the fuck are you?” the asshole demanded, turning, startled.
“The girl who’s calling you out for being an abusive prick!”
The stranger stepped backwards and checked me out before a sneer crossed his face.
“Bitch, return to your kitchen and mind your own business.”
“It’s mine when a guy your size and age is threatening a smaller and older lady. I don’t care who the fuck you are, but I won’t let you harm Mrs Jepson!”
“Gonna stop me, little lady?” he roared, shoving his face in mine.